Thursday 25 August 2011

You can’t punish me I am Algerian!

I witnessed someone getting fined on the train this morning for not having a valid ticket (wasn’t me I promise) and that got me thinking about rigour and about the new Algiers Metro that just opened it’s doors/tunnels to the Algérois after over 30 years of waiting.
Wondered if they have put in place measures for fines and penalties and such, I wonder how this will be carried out knowing us Algerians and our lack of respect for the Algerian rules and laws not because we are not disciplined but simply because we can get away with it.

I was sitting with my brother at the airport, waiting for our flight of course, not casually hanging out at the Terminal because it’s such a cool place to be, like the people at the next table,  enjoying a nice cup of coffee, with a large red poster that reads “No smoking, Interdit de fumer" behind my brother who is by all means a well educated, nice, law-abiding citizen (am biased yes) lights up right in front of the sign, a couple of police officers standing nearby completely oblivious, my jaw was the only one that seems to drop in shock, I even took a picture of him with a sign in the background! When I questioned him he said “what are they going to do about it” and I realised he was right, if no fines are enforced, and there are no rigorous penalties in place,  Citizens will not feel obligated to adhere to them, there were “no smoking” signs all over the terminal and equal amount of people casually smoking, I find this complete disregard for the law impertinent and dangerous, what more is that these same smokers seem to regard the law only outside of their country, as when they land in LHR, they will wait until outside the terminal to light up, knowing full well how the law is enforced and punishment is serious.

So is it the Algerian people or is it the Algerian government? But doesn’t one make the other?

Perhaps it’s worth adding that the only laws and regulations Algerians are starting to take seriously are the traffic ones and for the most part it isn’t for their own safety or that of their loved ones but because the authorities became ruthless and rigorous in implementing the law with very strict penalties and fines, if only they were this rigorous when it comes to illegal dumping, littering and the defacing constructions mushrooming around the capital!

The Algerians are no different from the Brits or the Gambians or Brazilians etc…when the law is implemented and upheld, people will fear and respect it, so I will blame it on the Algerian…………..Authorities!, no the people, no the government, no my brother….ok the goverement.

5 days to go...

Dz-Chick…an extremely law abiding citizen….honest govner!!


  1. J'avoue....Ne le repete pas mais des que j'arrive a Alger, et avant de recuperer mes bagages, je fume toujours une cigarette dans les toilettes. Mais si cela peut te rassurer je l'ai fait aussi a Roissy. Et c'est pas pour me la raconter mais j'ai fume sur le tarmac a Bamako (oui je sais il faut le faire, mais l'avion d'Air Algerie avait 4 heures de retard - ce n'est pas une raison je le sais tres bien), et sur le meme vol, escale a Dakar avant de revenir sur Alger, l'avion pas tres en forme, coincee pdt des heures, j'ai pu fumer dans les toilettes, mais avec l'accord de la dame pipi, qui en charge des toilettes, m'a exceptionnellement autorisee a fumer, a condition de surveiller ses pourboires le temps qu'elle fasse sa priere. Il etait 5 heures du matin, a Dakar, j'ai fait dame pipi pdt 10 mn et ai pu grille deux cigarettes. Je suis une fumiste, je le sais. Saha Ftourek. MTF

  2. Ah MTF je me suis bien mare a Mme Pipi a Dakar :) faut le faire!
    Nice one et Saha ftourek aussi


    need more people like her?

  4. lol brilliant video! so you're anti smoker non smoker! pfffff

  5. and you're a smoker? tut tut tut your alleged hotness just went down a notch :p

    i used to be a smoker but now i only smoke occasionally. it's just that i respect non-smokers' right to be in a smoke-free environment in public ;).

  6. I am not a smoker actually, but I respect the smokers right to smoking! I don't mind it! I grew up with a chain smoking dad!

  7. They can do so...but only if they are in the smoking lounges or open air areas but at least 100 metres radius away from non-smoking places!

    Cigarettes are dangerous!


  8. respect smokers' right to smoke? that's a silly debate, people can smoke as long as they don't force it on others.

  9. That's not silly, I can show you silly!


    If people want to smoke, I can't stop them can I, besides I am a 2nd hand smoker...been all my life! I need them to smoke!

    Is this silly enough for you?

  10. you might as well smoke yourself then, why don't you?

    .. oh and you're SILLIER ;-¡ !

  11. les regles sont faites pour etre transgressées et en Algérie y a pas de regles lol...
    love what u r doin'

  12. Merci Cosette, pas mal comme debut ton blog, u have to start writing...find inspiration! music and friends are always a good starter! :)

  13. merci bcp pour tes encouragements ça me va droit au coeur

  14. @DZ-Chick I don't blame the Algerian authorities but the Algerian blood. I have always infringed many rules and laws although I have never set foot in Mother Land Algeria.

    I have behaved unlawfully for most of my life, need must as we say!
    I have learned to queue in my late twenties as that concept was alien to me beforehand which got me in near-fatal situations (don't try this in Brixton, ha ha).

    When I was still a smoker, I puffed on a coach (not even tobacco but the green stuff), I have smoked everywhere except in my father's house. I have christened my mother's last Christmas which at the age of 35 is quite embarassing.

    @MTF that's what I refer to as fair trade! Fumer sur le tarmac ca c'est vraiment fort mais 4 heures pour un fumeur c'est une eternite alors NEED MUST. La dame pipi est trop adorable!

    @DZ-Chick I love the title 'You can't punish me, I am Algerian' I wonder how that would work for the Algerian thugs in France?!


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