Monday 29 August 2011

Oh Crescent....where art thou!

On this last day of Ramadan, I am blogging from my bed, to change from my desk which resulted in my boss discovering the blog, reading it and promptly blocking it! that'll teach me
So I am in bed, horizontal and relaxed albeit a little uninspired.

I am not sure how you're spending the last few hours of Ramadan but I know ALL are hoping to hear the good news that Eid is tomorrow, so that crescent better show it's face!

Third Eid in a row I am going to spend in the office and I am not very happy about it, I should be at home with my family eating Baklawa and hiding in my room when neighbours come to wish us Eid Moubarak, I say they come but in truth they race you to it in an attempt at collecting the hasanat the good deeds first, so they all come at once and invade your space whilst all you want to do is enjoy a coffee with cake quietly with the family. There is plenty of time in the day to go around to see people and wish them a MARVELLOUS Eid Moubark, just let me have my morning first.

Oh well at least I won't have to deal with this in the office tomorrow.
Let's just hope it's Eid, 'cos this chick can't take it anymore.

Eid Moubarak to all


  1. Aaaaaaaaaaahh, le petit dejeuner le jour de l'aid. Avec toute la petite famille réunie. The best ever!

    Je le passerai aussi au bureau. First time. Ca va être dur.

    Faut pas trop esperer, c'est 30 jours à chaque fois et je ne fais pas ma rabat-joie :-)

  2. S - Kill joy!
    If we have to fast 30 days again I shall scream! :(

  3. Ghir abday t3ayti men douk haha

  4. lol ok

  5. how did you get caught?

    yeah hopefully eid's tomorrow, need to get back with normal routine x

  6. He saw the unmistakable colour palette on my screen too many times to ignore lol it's all good though!

    In Germany Eid IS tomorrow, let's hope we follow suit x

  7. someone just told me it's tomorrow and that it's official! confirmed!!!

    there are a couple of other sources there that can be used to verify it!

    Eid Mubarak! X

  8. En France aussi !

    Yaaaaaaaaaaay !

  9. Eh ben! Saha Eidek S

  10. Sa7a aidkoum alors :D

    Faut que j'arrête d'être pessimiste and kill joy ? :-)

  11. Immidiately if not sooner! be happy and optimistic like me

    loooool tha was a good one! I laugh at my own jokes! promissing!

  12. arretes de faire des youyous ça me fait penser a ton histoire là

  13. lol ok mais essayes de te concentrer un peux! don't blame it on me!

  14. C'est vrai arrête de faire des youyou hahaha

  15. S toi aussi t'as lu le post? lol
    Sorry guys!

  16. Bah oui...

    Good news: you can have thoughts of things not allowed now ;-)

  17. t'as vu, chuis pas le seul voyons!

  18. am starrrrrving

  19. Yeah I will give it a week though :P
    Ah je suis tellement contonte, je m'en fous de manger ou pas ce soir!

    Mais I am not happy because it's over or because I can have my large starbucks tomorrow, but because I did it...till the end with the best intentions! :)

  20. greaaaAAattttttttt! welll done youuuuu, here have a medal ;) .

  21. Ah mais je t'emmerde mon petit Dawood :P

  22. oh là làllll hachek :P

    ahhaahahah youyouyouyouyouyouyouyouyouy±

  23. We're proud of you then!

    Stop lying to yourself, you're happy because it's over! Yakhi yakhi :-)

  24. :) Mwahahahaha
    Bon allez, on prepare a manger ou pas la?

  25. Here we go Athan taa le dernier jour de ramdan 2011 aparemment!

    Saha Ftorkom et Saha Aidekoum!

    For you dz-chick! changes you from boualem titiche!

    PS: Oh Crescent wehre Art Thou...

  26. Who areyou calling Boualem Titiche ya dx-cheikh?

    And thx for that, damn can't believe I made that silly mistake! :) blame on it pms? no the weather!
    Saha ftourek et Eidek

  27. Ana dert chorba wendemt. J'aurai pas du n3ayi rou7i

    Sa7a ftourkoum !

  28. g rien a preparer, g des restes héhéhé

    et toi t'es sure de ne pas manger ce soir? lol fat chance

  29. @Saode: Fat being the operative word ;)
    I bought a tomato and lentil soup and I have my green salad :)

    @S: freeze it for colder days to come :)

  30. @Dz-Cheikh: thx for the tune, haven't heard it for ages! well not since the movie came out!

  31. ages ago....for me reminded of 2001...I think...ya hassrahhhh...
    Eid is for tomorrow in DZ-Land too!
    T3ayedo be saha wa lehna wa Allah yetkebel mena wa menkoum!

  32. marry me DZ chick.... ( i have a rose on my hand and am on ne knee...) lol

  33. Soltan ya Soltan! if you were actually born in 1991, that makes you what 20? :)

    If I said YES, how far and how fast do you think you're gonna run ;)

  34. say YES! go on you know you want to! anyway, you run kilothons so you should be able to run after him hahaha.

  35. Saode: don't you have some sleeping to do or something? what kilothons are you talking about? lol

  36. hahaha @Kilothons....
    Ah Ya dz-chick...they 're fooling you around the kidies...maalich machi koul youm el eid!
    PS: raditini dx-cheikh...krib enweliw x-files!
    PS2: I meant instead of Boualem Titiche and his zorna-ghayta, you can put the soundtrack of OOh Brother where Art thou...>

  37. FIRST: am gonna change this email, cus dima yafda7 fiya. lool

    2nd: age is not a big deal :P, i think i can take care of a women like u.

    3rd: i will run 100m for u. ( that is all i can do right now ) :P

  38. @Dz-cheikh: sorry about x, it was before iftar :)
    Les petits se foutent de ma gueule! maaliche!

    @Soltan 1991: 100m is a good start, more training required, I am a runner you should know as Saode said, I run some kind of athon!
    So you're not scared? you're ready for it? ;)

  39. Dz chick: i will keep runing till i catch u, waraki w ezaman tawil kima ygolouha lmsarwa. :P

  40. Soltan: to catch me, you'll need a time machine :) MWAH

  41. Dz chick: time machine?? all i will need is a rose on my right hand and a nice smile and u will be caught. :) lol

  42. Time machine to catch me when I was your age :)

    But since you're so sure of yourself...a rose and a smile will sufice ;)

  43. to catch u when u were at my age?? why would i need to marry a 20yr old girl?? rahoum ghir houma hna but none of them is smart and wise like u, i proposed bcus i see the women in u, nd i do like women in their 30s, lol so dnt blame me for wanting u :P
    ur just too good and too smart mashallah ( matedihach fi rouhk bezzaf ) :P

  44. kilothons, you know those 3.5km that you run under 35 min :P

    anyhow, to be continued ... now i can sleep ;) .

  45. Don't worry manedihach fi rouhi as you say! my head didn't inflate yet!

    It's amazing how a 20 year old knows what he wants and sees what the 30 and 40 something fail to see! :)

    I am going to sleep on it Soltan ;)

  46. dnt worry sooner or later they will see what they r missing, that time it will be too late for them anyway. good night and sweet dreams future wife lol mwahh :D

  47. @ Soltan: you're still a little need to grow up to become a real soltan! I dont think a rose in your right hand and a nice smile will make our gracious dz-chick inflate and deflate...kiwwwwww...rak hab tetzawej? lazamlek sabat brillant!

    @DZ-Chick: don't inflate too much or it will happen to you what happened to the frog who wanted to become...

    Don't worry for the x..I knew it was before iftar...

  48. Yakhaaaaaah 7abou ybassiwk haha

  49. Saha Aidekoum!

    Go easily with the sweets...tcharek wa samsa wa makrout Al Louz!

  50. nope, ur mistaken ya l3sal, am a soltan and i will always be a soltan :P i dnt do LITTLE prince.... lol
    i knw a rose and a smile is not enough FOR U.. u deserve more then that. :) ( am impressed, usualy a rose with a pretty smile from me always work, i need to find other tricks... or maybe u just playing hard to get which u shouldnt do that with a soltan haha )
    mm yeah if i find a lady like u i wont mind marrying her, i follow the brain nt the heart ya l3sal... not like u :P u said no to me just bcus of my email....
    shame on u anyway, u should never say no to a man like me on eid. lmoral rahou yetkarker fel 3id :(


  51. saha eidkoooommmm kameeeellll.....have a gooooodo dayyyyy......xxxx


  52. @s: what does "ybassiwek" mean?
    @dz sheikh: aside meant my races by kilotons
    @soltan: well an offer is an offer where is my diamond? ;)

    To all Saha eidkoum

  53. Y'diroulek les problèmes! (détournement de mineur hahaha). I'm kiddin' hein.

    P.S: Check ur inbox

  54. dz-chick, can't you see? HE's the diamond :P .

    i'm supporting him in his quest ;) .

  55. ybassiwek...means they will do you tremendous problems!

    Awah you're not Algiers-girl anymore!

    PS: I am out regarding the kilothons...didnt catch it yet!

  56. @Dz sheikh: I USED to run races like 5ks and such and they re apparently reffered to s kilotons!

    @S: oh I know what ybassiwek means I think I drew a blank too many baklawat :p

  57. DZ chick: diamond??? i will rip my heart and put it on a ring for u.. will that be enough for u??

    Soad: tell her plzz shes abt to make a big mistake by saying nn to me :P

  58. @dz-cheikh:

    kilothons is a porte-manteau term derived from kilometre and marathon denoting runs in the order of km (5k, 10k e.t.c) as opposed to a marathon which is fixed to 26 miles and 385 yards.

    our now famous dz-chick has been known to partake in such activity, refer to:

  59. Rip your heart out! ouch that's got to hurt! ok just get me the damn rose :)

    @Saode: I might have a job for you ;)

  60. thank you pour les eclaircissements!

    Kech thon alors?

  61. Happy Eid for all of you guys:) Honestly speaking I have to study French and Algerian arabic to keep following you. It's like biblical Babel tower :-)))

  62. Hello DZ CHEIKH: Yeah starting to train for a small race soon, just to get back into shape post Ramadan!

    After the amount of cakes I had today...hello fat camp!

  63. Thanks Iurlana, I know that's why I try to always respond in English so people follow the flow but certain things are funnier said in Algerian...if you don't understand anything let me know, I can translate.

  64. DZ chick: sorry i run out of roses, i gave them all today, and for my heart am keeping it, i need it to keep me alive so i can think of u lol

  65. oh right, what's the offer ;p ?

  66. @Sultan I am flattered and thank u for ur kind offer :) mwah
    @Saode have u got any PR experience? U seem tobegood at it...

  67. no experience whatsoever.
    i'm good at it ... from behind a screen lol.
    so hanouna of you to think of me though :-) x

  68. I'm afraid I'm with Irulana, a real struggle to keep up with the French/Algerian and the bits in between. I can just about do ok on the french (Je suis canadien) but the DZ arabic... .
    What does 'diroulek' mean? 'dialect'?

    btw... so lovely to see that a single lass can pull, even when said person is just past the legal age ;-)

  69. Saode: frombehind the screen is good for me ;) just you carry on
    @ Formosa: am sorry about that! Will fix it :)
    As for pulling, I always do ;)

    Guys let's try to comment on English as much as possible or add footnotes cheers :)

  70. so this is a behind the screen job ;) ? you want me to be your PR executive? is that it?

    i don't understand darja either but am quite happy to lend a slightly esoteric vibe to proceedings. footnotes would be cool though rather than force commenting in english since certain euphemisms can get lost in translation and also encourage laziness on the part of the readers.

  71. rako mdayrin fiha hala lol...soltan ya soltan...I will call you Mcdreamy mena w jay...ma3andakch sahbak kima enta ynahi kalbo w y7oto fi khatem....

    saha eidkom

    boussa kbira...



  72. Saode: yes I want to put you in charge of PR, I don't pay very fact I don't pay! :P

  73. Dz chick: good. seems like u did like my offer... let me knw when u ready, so i can come with gateaux (cakes) nd flowers.

    anonymous: hahah loool MCdreamy huh? u didnt see me yet, ( u will see me on my wedding day with Dz chick lol ) i've been told am way better then him on everything (specially looks, ''trying to impress DZ chick so she say yes''.) :P
    lol ih 3andi sahbi kifi mais howa 3andou ch7al men galb mechi wahd bark! he will give u one today and grow 10 tomorrow ( ana ka3ba wahda. makch kifi ):P

  74. Soltan: my experience with men is they're all talk and no action and am action before talk, we're just not compatible (me and men that is) ahhh well...So which kind are you? :)

  75. get over urself hada lah, m sure kayen khir minak :D...awah madanitch wahed min kahl rass (algerien) ychabah fi mcdreamy especially the hair (ahhhhhhh his hair)....

    manich anonymous ana haniya...

    dz-chick wakila raki conference call m3a rohak...yadra soltane mlih twil, kifash mdayer haha...hope u r

  76. u r well i meant :)

  77. Hi Haniya: what did we just say? lol
    Try to comment in English as much as you possibly can, we have non arabic, non french speakers who can't follow the flow of the comments.

    So in response to your comment: no a not in an auto conference call, I was talking to my future-barely legal furture husband Soltan.

    I am doing GREAT :) hope you're good and well miss. xx

  78. haniya: ana manich kahl erass, ana byad. :P fiya 1.82cm. 3rid mechi smin bezaf, byad w 3andi cha3ri rtab mais mechi twil kima nte3 Mcdreamy. nd i dnt look like algerians. :P

    Dz chick: i like action thats why i proposed to u, cus i can see that ur an action girl :D, i dnt like drama. so i do what i wanna do.

  79. Formosa: "diroulek" mean they do to you...

  80. what's in it for me then?

  81. surely, as a bankA you can see that this is not a very attractive proposition for me.
    am not an altruist, and based on that ... am out!

    seeing as you're both action-driven individuals, when can we expect to see some action between you and quote barely legal unquote soltan?

  82. Pffff people do nothing for nothing these days! there was no such position in any case! economy is bad Saode! there is no work!

    I am no cougar! ;)

  83. embrace your inner feline spirit lol.

  84. DZ chick: hahahah i dnt see a yes or no, ur totally ignoring me, :/
    dnt worry i was just joking abt the wedding nd the proposal, it was a joke nd it seems u thought i rlly wanted to marry u, so u pulled urself out of the conversation ( typical algerian ). am not crazy to get married at 20yrs. so breath :P

  85. Soltan: I don't know what to say, I am heart broken :P

    Bloody hell, I should hope I knew you were joking I thought that was quite clear! wasn't ignoring you baby I simply had no more retorts!

    I am going to ignore that "typical Algerian" dig, I am nice like that...;)

  86. DZ chick: :D i kind like the sound of baby :P

    i bet it sounds so good when u say face to face :P hahah

  87. speechless and disappointed! you guys were joking? ;"(

  88. saode: it wasnt a joke, :P but when i felt shes gonna say nn to me i made it a joke, i didnt want her to break my heart by saying NO to me :'(. ( i never cried for a women, shes a heart breaker.) :P )

    Dz chick: baby hadi not from ur heart. :(

  89. Awww Soltan - it's from the heart baby...night night x

  90. sweet dreams, dnt forget to dream of me like am gonna dream of u

  91. What is it here guys? a "Tronic-Love Story" or what?

    @Formosa: We will help you learn the Algerian colloquial language.

    @Soltan: Rak Meragteha! *

    Meragteha: You are going over the permitted limits!

  92. Hey,

    It seems like everyone is enjoying the end of Ramadan. Happy Eid to all.

  93. Dz CHIKH: meragtha?? what did i do? till now am still good. :D

  94. dz... I'm really trying. but after 3 days in Japan, teaching as well as late dinners, its tough to understand anything.
    But do you realise that Google translate makes absolutely no sense out of any of the Arabic?
    I think it is all secret girl talk but - yes please help me ...'learn the Algerian colloquial language'.

    ok.. help me with one thing ... "..I am no cougar! ;) " What's the allusion to a cougar? Just someone with sharp claws and a fierce growl?

  95. Algerian is not translatable on any dictionary!
    I will teach u as much as possible but am sure you've picked up a few words no?
    A cougar woman by definition is a women of over 40 who exclusively pursues younger men I think there is usually a difference of 10 years or more .... So you see I don't qualify! Phew

  96. Ah, a veil is pulled away from my eyes.

    So... is the age difference for a cougar absolute or relative? just trying to work this out... 20 plus 10...

    Still having trouble with some other words, for example how is the number 3 pronounced in the following...
    "dz-chick wakila raki conference call m3a rohak" ?

  97. by the way, aren't you at work and didn't you nearly get yourself fired for blogging away the company payroll?
    (for me it is time to sleep....)

  98. Age difference is definitely relative,why d'u ask? :)
    The 3 is hard to pronounce we spell it with a 3 because the 3 looks like the Arabic letter for the sound, it can alsobe written with a double AA

    Am blogging from ze smart phone!

  99. the age threshold for cougar is fuzzy(some say 30s others 40s50s), BUT given the age difference you definitely qualify in this case.

    @formosa: check it out on urbandictionary to get a better understanding.

  100. I would only qualify according to your description or that of Urbandisctionary, which remains reative! And of course the fact that I like them older than me!

  101. Eid Bouteflika! Not Mubarak, nor Ben Ali or Kadafi! :)))))

  102. DZ chick; i think u should be called a milf not a cougar. cougar is a women on her 40s and 50s nd still looking good, milfs r in their 30s. lol thats what i knw :P

  103. Cannot believe I started this myself, not a milf, not a cougar, prhaps I should be called Dz-Chick!

    Soltan: you were right! you're very cute ;)

  104. Dz chick: i prefer dz chick too. i was right?? did i say am cute?? :P

  105. Not per se...but you did in your own way! it's your bedtime now baby!

  106. this is getting out of hand ... DZC you're leading him on now tut tut tut

  107. AM NOOOOT! I like him! :P

    I am also very bored right now!

  108. do u rlly think i will be able to sleep while thinking of u?? ( i did get the msg by the way!! )

  109. anyway have fun you guys :)

  110. Ok let's not start rumours here! lol

  111. "....the fact that I like them older than me."
    That's good and very useful for me to know. :-)

  112. Flirting has gone pandemic :)

    formosa: oh yeah? how so? :)

  113. "how so?" duhhhhhhhhhhh! (normally i hate those american idiosyncracies but .. oh pEERRLEEeaaaaaaaZZZe!)

  114. that's you being irritated or clueless? ;)

  115. Are these these the only options? ;P
    night x

  116. you're a bit of a tease ya zilla :P

    good night ∑

  117. DZ-Chick has gone nuts *(rahate fiha)...we need to put some order's like I am the owner of this blog...

  118. 'How so?'
    [saode: I disagree, it is a perfectly valid, wide-eyed, innocent question:-) ]
    dz- suppose that you had said the opposite? Something like'. .. cannot bear a man to be anything except lots younger'.
    But either way, its all part if the therapy profile.
    Keeps looking better with each new thing you add about yourself.

  119. @Saode: not teasing...just reciprocating hamless flirting

    @Dz Cheikh: you're playing Moderator not Owner, and what's wrong wih me having a bit of harmless fun...

    @formosa: If I had said the opposite, we would not be even having conversation and I wouldn't have realised you were older than me although I had suspected that.
    So my profile is looking better huh! that's a positive assessment Doc :P

  120. (short, waiting 4 flight to leave b4 180km/hr typhoon hits airport)
    Yeah, picture is pretty good, not just what u say about self but what gets revealed.

  121. Moi je dis: Atlag'ni manich 9adek !

    Sorry for people who don't understand. What I said wouldn't have the same intensity in english

  122. Whatever I have revealed about myself seems to have struck a chord with u!! How interesting!
    Hope ur safe, that typhoon sounds scaryyy

    To anonymous who I assume is dz sheikh, am sure Soltan knows he's a bit below the age limit for me, we re just having a laug!

  123. Dz chick: i smell jealousy in here. :P

    jealousy: if ur old enough for dz chick just show urself, am sure u can beat me on age. cus it seems dz chick dnt like younger men, so just show up with a sweet tongue nd u will win. :P

  124. It's not DZ-Cheikh. It's S :-)

  125. teaaaase! btw, was expecting you to comment on my special choice of word :P (to check whether it is fitting or not)

    @formosa: yeah sure, aren't we all innocent at heart? ;) .

  126. Poor Little Amir he got stuck in his pencils...

    @DZChick: of course it's your own right to enjoy harmless and harmful kidding...not my problem...eventhough I would worry about bent the way i guess I am bit older than u ...respect lady!

    @S; we got the little prince hhahaha

  127. Ah Ya got I am sure that you won't recognize my writing if I don't sign...leghram eqayed eslatane!*

    * Love ties up kings and queens!

  128. Saode: Yeah you're the one to talk!! and yes I did notice the use of "zella" your Algerian connection is serving you well.

    Dz Cheikh: Thanks for caring...but as it's all hamrless fun, all is good.

    Perhaps I should publish something soon to change the subject from Soltan and Dz-Chick!

  129. Tout a fait dzc...but it's fun to talk about soltan and dzc no!...
    You can either write about Eid, or about Libya...or ...

  130. Something on Lybia would be good! ...or.....???

  131. sharing the cake!

  132. what? i'm a tease? teasing whom? it's all in the name of the PR campaign!

    and who's got cake?

  133. I am not sure which cake is Dz Cheikh talking about!

    Are you PR'ing for me?

  134. for maself! i might spin off from here and do my own blog.

  135. That would be cool, what would write about?

  136. about myself obviously, got so much to share with the world.

  137. And we (not the royal we) would love to read all about it, we are all a bit voyeuristic

  138. lol je plaisante. i get more creative in commenting ...

  139. Me think so too :) send me the tune!

  140. hahah you mean i better stay here and carry on PR'ing for YOU!

    there's no new tune yet, i'll see if i have some time over the weekend to come up with something.

  141. Precisely! :) I need to write something new over the weekend...I feel my fingers itching!

  142. Salam, Hello..
    Where r u chick? we're still waiting for the new post of September....September I will remember...(Paul Simon's song)...

  143. I am here, having a brilliant weekend...I will post something soooon

  144. I just can not imagine with strong your blog greatly that saved me! Thank you “Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” - Mark Twain

  145. 150 comments?? How overwhelming!
    This post also marks the full coverage of your entire blog up to date (12/10/2012)in no chronological order.

    You have stimulated me over the past few weeks which might result in withdrawal symptoms and potential harassement on your Facebook page and twitter account to supply my dosage!

    THANK YOU so very much dear DZ-Chick for this fabulous blog....great discovery, you have even kept me away from books (hhmmmmm thinking of it, you are a dangerous lady)
    I am certain you will meet your prince charming, unsure of he will come in an Algerian coating.


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