Saturday 27 August 2011

Ramadan ....over and out T-3

The end is near and despite what other people say about missing Ramadan, well I am sorry to say LIARS, it’s a month of hard work and hard worship and concentration, of deprivation and self sacrifice, none of which come naturally to normal human beings, and if it was that easy and you could do it all year around why all the whinging, the bad moods and clock watching?

If the crescent is sighted over the weekend, more precisely on Monday night then Tuesday is Eid, otherwise we have to fast Tuesday as well and I am planning a major headache aka a sicky!

Just as well we’ve come to the end, I have ran out of things to say this month, a post a day is just not sustainable unless I write a journal (not gonna happen), this long weekend shall reset my batteries and will come back with a kick!

Saha ftourkou, eidkoum and have a lovely bank holiday weekend


  1. Salam Dz-Chick,

    Well apparently your last post shows how much tired you must be...but it's understandable!
    Good luck with the remaining of ramadane and Allah yetkebel mena!

    Sinon, honestly I am not a liar when I say I wish we have one more week of ramadane and fasting...I feel the difference with the other months and days...somethin special, different!...anyway!
    Saha Ftourkom, S';horkom and Aidkoum a l'avance!


  2. Well good for you! I feel good when I am fasting it's true but I don't want to fast forever, God has made it a month, who are we to discuss! :P

  3. I didn't discuss it...I just said we or I got used to it, it's very special and I could do with one more week...hehehehe
    I can fast other days too, even when it's not Ramadane, but believe me it's different!
    Saha Ftorekom!


  4. Déjà, ramdan ya ramdan, nkhedem rassi b'l'anglais (je râle pas, je m'exprime hein) mais ça en vaut la peine :D

    Ramdan va manquer à ceux qui passent leurs journées à ne rien foutre à la maison (dodo + télé) et qui sont aussi en famille... Parce que qu'on est seule et qu'on bosse comme une malade et qu'il faut aussi faire à manger en rentrant le soir, c'est pas la joie. De plus, y a pas d'ambiance. Mais bon, T-3 like you said!!

  5. Moi je fais partie de la deuxieme categorie! when Ramadan is over it's over we say Hamdoulah not oh I wish it lasted for ever! whoever says this is a hypocrite because if they want to fast forever, they're free to do so, but they don't, do they? HA!

    I am in bed....been in bed since last night! can't think of a better place to be right now! unless it's with my mum and dad at home.

  6. Me too!

    J'ai envie de rien faire. Ca m'a épuisée en fait. On peut même pas sortir parce qu'on risque de mourir de soif.

  7. You're extremist on this sunday afternoon....
    Don't be not all those who want to fast extra when it's not ramadane they're hypocrits...
    Anyway, I somehow can understand the way you might be feeling right now...good luck and don't worry be happy as Bobby McFerrin would say!
    Saha Ftourkom!

  8. lol @ extremist! I am in a good mood today actualy :)

  9. Very good Hamdulallah!
    was it because of the "menage" ou el Eid soon, or the long week end!...or my insistance over your posts!

  10. Because of ALL the above :)

    You didn't sign!!!

  11. I have to add my signature automatically...coz i start forgetting it all the time, and it will be confusing for you, me and all the guests and members!...

    You're famous now!

  12. Yeah you should sign ur pseudo/name where it says name/url, the url is optional so just put your name.

    Famous? far from it...

  13. not famous? you even have your own facebook page

  14. Pfff tu sais Saode, facebook ce n'est pas une reference :P

  15. the wikipedia page will ... am working on it LOL

  16. OMG you wouldn't dare!!! lol
    DZ-CHICK has a facebook profile not a page! Poke me! ;)

  17. we're already friends! ;)

  18. From dz-chic or her alter ego profile?

  19. from whichever ;) .

  20. Now you're jus showing off lol

  21. You have done amazingly doing a post a day!


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