Friday 23 September 2016

Space-filler, time-killer....

Life has been good lately (please take a moment to look into the above picture for 2 seconds), hence the lack of blogs posts. You’ll forgive me I am sure.
A little recap is due I think:
Work:  Going good, typically getting in when it’s time for coffee, lunch mostly al-desco, gym when ALL my muscles don’t hurt at the same time, this age thing is really inconvenient.
On the plus side, I get a lot of stationery here so that’s a win.
Love life: No update for you on this front I am afraid but my soulmate is out there, pushing a door that says pull, I just know it, so until such times as sub-zero temperatures in hell, I shall hold on to my virginity sanity – thank you very much.
My period – still flowing like the red river of doom with cramps that could push a baby elephant out, and that’s ok, because it means I am healthy and young and it means I can always complain about period pain and make people uncomfortable until such times they get over themselves.
My hair – still curly – I refuse to straighten it to look more corporate or more European or mainstream. It’s not a statement, it’s not rebellious and it’s not crazy, it’s just my hair.

It’s all about me.


  1. how about Safia!
    I have been waiting since a long time!
    Still waiting

    1. I know!! I lost the will to write Safia....but comments like your spur me on! so perhaps I will after all!

  2. Viriginity and is all about that .....

  3. Homo Erectus (not a homo and no notable erection lately..)27 September 2016 at 22:19

    Youyouyou.. glad you're back and apparently well.. khamsa in the eyes of the envious.. happy to read from you again.. kiss ya makhlou9a..

    1. I am great :) and I am happy you're still around too!

  4. Do men have to look at above picture for two second or just women?;)
    look forward for more post from you!
    Wekal ramdan ;)

    1. Wakal ramdan!! Do you mean to say that only women are concerned by the evil eye? Ababababaaaaaaa

      There will be more posts indeed - watch this space and the facebook page where I also post shit! Ciao M

    2. don't shout dz bella! not every one knows that I don't fast ;)I thought men evil eye won't have an impact on women and vice versa.
      btw I did look at the picture before reading the post ;)
      aya happy Saturday
      Wekal Ramdan

  5. Homo Erectus (not a homo and no notable erection lately..) hahahahaha
    I just saw this!!

  6. 40 years old and you are still whinging at least you are in good health yel mossiba... ahamdi rabi PS: you fb profile pic is catastrofic roohi chez la haffafa fahfehi roohek chouiya

  7. Trolling suits your personality my dear :)

    And if I was actually 40 and have terrible hair, I would still be way out of your league!


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