Wednesday 21 December 2011

Algerian vs. Algerian

A few Algerian congregations I partook in recently led me to notice a pattern I felt compelled to explore and write about, I even received a few requests to write on the subject but I fear I cannot pretend to offer any solutions only the findings of my very modest research and personal opinion …Here goes!

The Algerian men who have lived abroad for long periods of time exceeding seven years, and particularly those who immigrated early on, in their late teens or early twenties, it seems find it hard to look at Algerian girls any other way than their sisters…

Samir says: “I don’t know, I guess I just seem them all as my sisters”, whilst Rayan declares “I would feel guilty if I was to go out with an Algerian girl and then it didn’t work out, or if there was anything physical than I feel I used her
When questioned, if they’d felt guilt or this feeling of fraternity towards females of other nationalities i.e. English or Moroccan, answers were as predicted;
They seem to regard European girls as more able to accept that a relationship may or may not work, it is part of the culture and way of life, being and Arab or a Muslim however does not always affect the decision, “a girl is a girl” one of them said, "but the fact that she is Algerian changes things, it brings it close to home, I think of my sister and if someone would do anything to her".
Another one said “I would feel bad if I had to leave an Algerian girl after dating her, because if she’s heart broken and alone abroad, I am not supposed to be the one to break her heart….”, Kamel who is 40 says “I would consider an Algerian girl but only for marriage or a serious relationship not for a casual thing”, Ali says “If we don’t marry our own girls, who’s going to marry them”.

To cite only a few, and so far; a mixed set of opinions here, leading me to believe that these men grow to love and respect their female counterpart and revere them like sisters and mothers, they haven’t been able to make the jump over to the more romantic or sexual side of their feelings for these women who are somewhat baffled...see next

When Algerian girls living abroad (mostly in London) were questioned on the topic, reactions were divided between “I would rather be with an Algerian guy, only he would understand me”, ”I wouldn’t mind being with an Algerian, but other nationalities are also considered, namely from the Middle East and Europe” another one was indignant as to what these Algerian men are doing dating and marrying non-Algerians, when there is a huge number of single Algerian girls available and looking.
Another NON-Algerian girl said the following: “I haven’t met any Algerian guys or girls who are not single, you guys are all single” quite the statement coming from an objective outsider.

My research on the subject is not extensive and mainly targeted Algerian professionals between the ages of 28 - 40 who are living in London over the last few years since London has been identified as the common denominator for the imposed singeldom Londoners have been suffering.

Arguably, Algerian men who grew up in Algeria up to a certain age, that is to say over 22, have had some kind of dating experience with Algerian girls (back in Algeria) and have managed to cross the line from fraternal love and respect to opposite sex attraction and romantic feelings; the former seem to be able to look at fellow Algerian girls as suitable life, sexual or dating partners and girlfriends, whereas the consensus dictates that the Algerian young men who left Algeria very early on, having encountered only their mothers, sisters and cousins in their lives post-Algeria, tend to view all Algerian ladies as such (family) and thus are not naturally attracted to Algerian women and will not look to them for romantic relationships, however, some would consider forming serious relationships akin or leading to marriage with them as they (Algerian men) would see their mothers or sisters who represent the prime example of a life partner, in these candidates.

Algerian women living abroad, on the other hand, regardless of their living situation or length of life abroad, would seemingly consider Algerian men as suitable candidates for a serious and non- serious relationship.
One of the people questioned on the topic suggested an answer for this “these women look for their fathers in other Algerian men and prefer them to be authoritarian, old fashioned perhaps, even jealous”, but one cannot slap ones research candidates so I lets move on, the same slapable individual mentioned the following “these girls date European boys for ages, snob us for years, then upon reaching their 30s they want a nice Algerian man to marry”.

Perhaps the case is that Algerian girls who moved away from home at an early age, found a very small Algerian community (in the UK), had to date and marry men form other nationalities, the ones who remain single now look to Algerian men but are met with “ah now you want an Algerian man”, the judgmental stance some of these men have towards the Algerian girls is to respond to their own feelings of rejection by these very same girls.

Certainly what springs into mind is that Algerians grew apart here in London and the UK, with advancing careers, financial stability, has their mind set shifted so much that they can no longer recognise each other as potential life partners? 
And with advancing in life, do they feel their choice needs to advance accordingly?  Implying that opting for an Algerian partner will set them back a step? 

Perhaps it's worth mentioning that none of the people who participated in this modest "research" have any issues with Algerians of both gender dating or marrying other nationalities, they're merely wondering what the non-taken ones are thinking!

One more thought, when these men meet Algerian girls out there, before realising they're Algerian, they could easily be attracted to them, would they change their minds when they realise they're Algerian and feel guilty of being attracted to their so called "sisters"? 

This is certainly a new dilemma of mine and of every single and sometimes married Algerian out there, and as you have guessed, I offer no solutions, only more questions…jolly good!

Dz-chick….enough said this time around!

Names have been changed for anonymity reasons.
A similar post albeit from a different angle here  - from Dz-Chick


  1. it's very insightful reading on Algerian social dynamics it related to the sheer numbers? if the circle is very tight usually peer group also influences wants to be excluded from the circle..or is it because if you are with your own nationality as a male, women only see you as husband potential and not as an ordinary guy in the first instance, and only after do they see the man....

  2. i think it could be highly related to numbers yes, damn how did i miss that! i knew my piece was not complete....

    Having said that, in spite of the low or large number of Algerian men available, the ladies keep wondering why is it this Agerian man would either judge her or see her as a sister!

    If I tried to answer your question from my own experience, I would say, I see the man first then the potential...but i am PRETTY SURE the opposite is true for a lot of women out there...regardless of Nationality, as long as we're talking about an expat or ethnic or foreign small community

  3. I agree with this! Phenomenal analysis and very accurate you hit the nail on the head! I must admit.

  4. Hey thx Anonymous person! So you agree with which part exactly? Are Dz girls your sisters or your lovers?

  5. Your best post DZC. "but one cannot slap ones research candidates so I lets move on" llooooooooolllll

    They may all say that thye would consider non-algerian but actually they are all desperate for algerian. None of us would admit it.

    I like the first anons comment about numbers. With being a tight community mostly everyone knows everyone and theres alot of talking between us, especially ladies. So people are scared that if they date someone and it doesn't work out they;ve messed their chances with another algerian in the community.

  6. Lil yeah thx Anonymous! I should thank all the people who took part in the questionnaire!

    You raise a valid and good point about gossip! That does affect the dynamics or process of forming inter Algerian relationships!

  7. I didn't get to read the article yet but I will hopefully read it tonight. I wanted to say that I REALLY liked the other template better! Do you think we could have it back?! :)

  8. Hey Blue I know everybody is telling me the same, but it was too black and blinding to read (to me anyway) ok we'll put it a vote ....
    I look forward to your opinions on the subject tonight! X

  9. hhhhhhhhh typical algerians, they will never say the truth, like anonymous said, theyr despret for an algerian, they just cant admit it, am sure any algeria guy never see an other algerian girl as his sis, unless shes his real sis. great hit dz chick, love this subject ;) keep it up

  10. Soltan thanks Soltan, so you fancy Algerian girls and don't think they're your bloody siblings! that's relief some of you still think that lol

  11. the only siblings i have r few in Algeria, if i can marry the ones in here i will marry them all, i never thought of an Algerian girl in England as my sis, its weird that they think of this, but in the end they all marry an Algerian lool

  12. Yes DZC. (I'm the anon guy posted at 10:52 who thinks this is your best post). Actually as an Algerian man I think the sisters comments may be hiding the truth or truthful for girls they've known for a long time. They have fallen into the friends zone!  Really most will only want Algerian and if it wasn't for the gossiping and jalousie we would date you all one by one. Lol

  13. Looks like soltan and I are in full agreement.

  14. Yeah those men you interviewed are weirdos ! I mean how can you directly put a hot, nice and brilliant algerian girl in a "sister" case.. just because she has a fuckin green passport !! you're maybe over-analysing overreactions !

  15. Anonymous 10:52 I take your point and I agree with you and Soltan, however some think that and maybe they use the sister argument because they feel guilty about being with non Algerian girls! Frankly I dont give s flying F*ck sho they marry since I know from the first second of the first encounter they're not for me! Other ladies may be less choosy and just want an Algerian man with a pulse and who visited the good doctor for foreskin reduction! Sorry to be do crude!

    Soltan so young yet do wise and brave :) I'd an Algerian guy I fancied told me he sees me as a siste I would tell him to come out of the closet!

    Homo Erectus they're not all weird :) but I absolutely Agee with you too, I did ask the question " if he fancied a girl before knowing she's Algerian, would he loose his ****** when says she's DZ?" and more importantly and as you so well point out in a way, Algerian ladies are very attractive...
    Sisters??? One word: GAY and doesn't know it

  16. Oh not all Algerian ladies.. I see a lot of them as my sisters..

  17. Ha ha ha and I see a lot of Algerian boys as my brothers! ;)

  18. so the sisters for the brothers and the hot girls for the hot boys... Ou al barani barra ! Aya c'est bon l'affaire est pliée !

  19. so much to say so little time...the first thing that comes out is i love how we refer to women as "girls" and guys as ... "men"... Hey DZC...i wonder how the response wouldve been had u referred to men as "boyz" and dz girls as ..oh well u get the picture

  20. hey DZ chick, forget about these gay men, am sure am better then them, 1st cus am Algerian, 2nd cus ana 7ar 3lihoum, i dont like it when i see a beautiful algerian with an other guy, and am caring ;)
    if u want to talk about looks, am 6.1 ft, i've been told that am very handsome FOR AN ALGERIAN, nice hair nd a great smile ;) let me knw if u wanna meet a real Algeriano ;P

  21. The main reason we men tend to "back off" when we find out she's Algerian is partly due to the lack of relationship experience w/ algerian women relative to the multiplicity of non-ALgerian & non-Arab women we dated. After i finally started to date more Arab women, i had less and less of these issues ie "backing off; seeing her as my sister etcc.

    And finally the MOST COMMON SENSE EXPLANATION TO ALL OF THIS is what i call the "HOME BIAS" Whether ur algerian, indian or Palestinian, ur more likely to feel LESS inhibited when dating someone other than ur culture...when it comes to someone from ur home, u become more picky, demanding, inhibited etc.. and this "home bias" phenom isnt limited to us...

    wella wesh gual?

  22. Algerian men look at Algerian women as sisters, mothers?! Hahahaha, this is so BS! They were probably rejected and that’s why they rather put it that way than handle the feeling of rejection. I’m also having a difficult time understanding how and why men would think “ah now you want an Algerian man” is it “un reglement de comptes” or should it be an opportunity to seize and get married for the best despite each ones past?! In my humble opinion -- We Algerians, (not always in a good way) we think too much, we analyze too much, we expect too much and that’s why we mess up things too much and too often!!
    I have news for you! The problem is not only abroad. In Algeria, men and women are having some similar issues. I know a guy who lives in Europe who was almost about to send his mom to the girl’s parents to get married. Everything was going well until the girl changed her mind saying that she was too autonomous to change her life style. The girl is from a good family (whatever that means), she has a good job, a car, but no husband…..sounds like she doesn’t need one…The guy was heartbroken. He still wants to get married but he’s asking himself questions he didn’t ask before “Am I going to get fooled again by an Algerian girl?!” what do you say in this instant?! C’est l’mektoub?! It’s destiny?!

    And for the anonymous blogger who said “l Actually as an Algerian man I think the sisters comments may be hiding the truth or truthful for girls they've known for a long time. They have fallen into the friends zone!”…….Again BS(with all due respect of course),a chick is a chick, if he finds her attractive he won’t hesitate a second!! Right DZ-Chick?!

  23. Your replies to the comments above are hilarious!!!
    I personally do not see Algerian women as “sisters”…
    Here is my take on what I think about the Algerian woman:
    - You want us to be interested in you, but you act snobbish
    - You want to be with a handsome man, but you are neither attractive nor pretty (Ouch, this is too harsh)
    - You are materialistic and demanding, but you don’t bring anything to the table
    - You marry for status not for love
    - You are too good at the Algerian national sport, gossip that is
    Of course I am generalizing here, but I think this is the general census of what Algerian men think. Correct me gentleman if I am wrong.

  24. My vote goes to : Here&There Best answer of all!

  25. Second best answer : Blue for :
    for "We Algerians, (not always in a good way) we think too much, we analyze too much, we expect too much and that’s why we mess up things too much and too often!!"

  26. @DZ-chick, Great read. I echo the thoughts of many guys on here. I don't see les algeriennes as sisters, apart from maybe the odd very close female friend.

    @anon 10.52, gossip? so what, khalihum yhadrou.

    @Here&There, Home Bias? Never thought of this before but you're right. When she's algerian, guys expect her to be a certain way.

    @Blue, Hmmm, strangely your 1st paragraph is as if you took the words right out of my mouth. People judge, think too much and over-analyse, especially the more baggage they hold from previous relationships. It's important to be relaxed, open-minded and ignore pre-conceived thoughts. Your point on rejection is spot-on. It's easy for resentful guys to make excuses instead of just accepting that it's not going to work out all the time, and not everyone is the same.

  27. @Homo Erectus: "The sisters for the brothers and the hot girls for the hot boys"...Hahahaha, you gave me a real good laugh here! I mean really thank you! That being said, the sisters and the brothers can be hot too you know!
    @Dz-Chick: Alger@No sounds hot I mean he sounds like a gentleman :)...I don't know about you Dz-Chick but I would give it a shot :)
    @ everyone: Please fellow bloggers, vote for the previous template and if you still don't know which one you want to vote for I'll give you a hand. I have a condition that prevents me from reading on grey and blue templates so have some compassion!...okay that wasn't true but I liked the otherone better,doesn't it count?!! :)

  28. Wow it's all happening in here! Was publishing comments but had not read them! Will answer a few if I can now and after my nap I will take of business.... Am on holiday :)

    Alge@ano thx for the offer and the introduction! Charmed am sure! :)

    Here & There I like the home bias theory! It is something I experienced and witnessed on many occasions! When dating an Algerian ( either gender) we tend to expect more, demand more, scrutinise every detail, personality, physique, background, family, education .... But with a microscope! I am more nervous about dating an Algerian than say an English guy!

    Homo Erectus I like your thinking! And wel barani barra ou khlass!

    More after my nap.... It's beautiful here in Algiers!

  29. For fun and for the guys out there who see algerian women as sisters...enjoy!! :)

  30. @DZ-Chick: About Algeriano, I was trying to infer that you should go ahead hun not me :) and I dont really remember the cartoon Raghif...sowie!

  31. Watched the video Blue it's funny!
    I slept so much I feel like that cartoon character if you remember it Raghif lol oh and go ahead with Algeriano ;)

    Now back to out topic; Blue, I found it quite ridiculous that a man would be repelled by me based on my nationality ESPECIALLY when he is himself Algerian! I have a brother and that is enough I dont need more siblings!!
    So yeah totally with ya Blue

    Maricani boy oh boy! I know that reputation we have with DZ men, but then we can give you a list the length of the Wall of China ... Why we don't always go for DZ men!

    But I won't, I will simply tell you that as you said, it's a massive generalisation yes, but halas we do have that reputation, difficult, critical, judgmental, competitive ( not for the good reasons), jealous, High maintenance and as you say not in the best of places to want the best - On pète plus haut que nos culs quoi! But hey this very list is an extract from that list I mentioned above :) ha!

    Anonymous Thanks :)
    Yes very few DZ girls as sisters is fine, but to say NO to all on the basis of some bill shit fraternal feeling is hypocritical, I believe, and is a poor excuse to hide past, vindictive, sour and repressed feelings towards DZ women! Let's call a spade a spade and at the risk of souding 3ajouza as the saying goes : لي مالحقش العنب يقول قارس
    Lol I thought its only fair I made it personal and stopped trying to be so damn objective, seeing that i am concerned too!

  32. I remember it faintly but the theme tune stuck with me, I am gonna look on YouTube lol

    Ah ok, cheers re: Algeriano! He's gonna have to send the application and CV along with la fiche familiale and bank account statement, the geneological tree if possible and the CVs of all his family, home address in Algeria even if he lives in London ;)
    Now that is Algerian chick attitude! Mwahahahaha

  33. For fun...

    @Blue: On behalf of all Algerian guys to you and your critique.

    Joyeux Noel cherie ;)

    (Change the word American for Algerian)

  34. Lol American women stay away from me!
    Good one! And I do like L Kravitz

  35. @Anonymous: Lenny Kravitz?!NICE!!!
    I feel ya "cheri"...loll...We're too much for can't keep up with us I know..too much of a work out!!lolll

    Happy Holidays to you too :)

    @DZ-Chick: forgot to mention the doctor's check up!!:0

  36. Yeah Blue certificat de virginité with the certificat de Khtana

  37. In terms of gender, the 2001 census showed that 71% of Algerians in the UK were male

    So girls stop fretting about this:)

    Interesting topic though. I think it depends, sometimes fear of rejection by a serious or religious Algerian girl might be the reason for a flirtatious Algerian man to go back to his shell.
    Sometimes the man himself might be religious as someone mentioned and not interested in flirting.
    Merry Christmas !
    A rejeted DZ man :)

  38. ATO glad to see you back again :)
    71% means nothing if they all want to Marty their Polish girlfriends!
    Religious you say?
    Happy Xmas :)

  39. I know what you mean, Numidian men (Algerians) have always been an excessively amorous race apparently, a weakness.
    This is a good read two Numidian kings struggling for the love of a foreign Carthagenian (Levantine settlers in Tunisia ) noblewoman,the stuff of romantic legend
    Massinissa, Syphax and Sophonisba love triangle


  40. ATO was looking forward to reading the article on ze plane! But it doesn't work! Could you fix it please?
    How's the Turkey? Did you have cranberry sauce? :)

    Men always want to know what's up next door, it's not necessarily an Algerian trait! But at least I think the Algerisn men has loyalty even if he cheats or looks elsewhere! NOT condoning the cheating behaviour I would sonner chop off his!


    Christmas is good, apparently the whole point is to not be healthy but frankly I am going to take it easy this time.

    Enjoy your read and your holiday :)

  42. I was in the gym one day making small talk with the lady at the front desk..she asked me where i was from, i said i was Algerian & she goes "oh really, we just hired someone whos i think from Algeria"..when the Algerian came by, the 3 of us started chatting for a good 20 mins (other girl did not tell the algerian one i was algerian) so all went nice & dandy...until when the american girl goes..2oh "u know he's from your country"... at this point her lovely smile & zestful face starts to loose that glow...then when she denied it saying "NO, ur not, u dont look it etccc"..i said yes she said no i said yes..She had an expression abt her as if she was begging me "PLEASE dont be one of us"..and when i started talking algerois, oranais. etcc. that zestful glow had now turned to sadness...and when she finally said a few words to me in algerian..that sadness turned to despair,,and finally into misery.. GOD ONLY knows what she went thru in her past... What one can say to that?

  43. @Anonymous....Thanks for voting my HomeBiasTheory as best actually is applicable to many other cultures...we're just too egocentric & think these theories are limited to only us :)

  44. ATO thanks .... Enjoy your Xmas dinner!

    URL wow that's quite the story! Why on earth would she turn like that just because you're Algeian! I don't understand such behaviours and frankly don't have the time nor the inclination to analyse it! Complexée va!

  45. As an English girl, if this analysis of Algerian men is at all accurate, I find this pretty shocking. Why should "white" girls be any less hurt by a relationship not working out than an Algerian girl? Just because we have grown up in a more liberal society as regards sexuality and gender relations does not mean that we therefore have a lower threshold of emotional pain. I don't think this sort of behaviour is limited to Algerian men, however, as I have seen similar attitudes in other nationalities (from Asian and South American countries). I'm sure the right guy is out there DZ, be him Algerian or otherwise ;)

  46. A good one I must say.. Do not agree with all of it but makes you think in a new fashion.
    Thanks DZC... Keep it up

  47. Anxiety in London Sure I totally understand your point of view, in their defence and how I understand it, abroad Algerian men feel a certain "protective" thing for Algerian girls and so they tend no to date them unless they know they're in for the long term, whereas with other nationalities, perhaps they feel less pressure and less concern...not condoning, only trying to understand.
    Thanks hon, i am pretty sure he's out you say, Algerian or otherwise...

    Rick thought provoking is always a good result to achieve. so thanks :)

  48. The comment is not so much about not being attracted to Algerian women or wanting to shag them, fear of rejection, being shy, gay or other bullshit reason as much as it is out of a (most probably misplaced) sense of extra-correctness towards girls from your own country. A hang-up which in my case is quite hypocritical i must admit! 'i can play around with girls from other countries but not my own'. By the look of it, this attitude, inconsistent at best, is very much in an extreme minority. So much the better for Algerian women then!

  49. I didn't pick out the 'sisters' thing when I first read the piece. It should have been 'more like members of your extended family, like your second- or higher-degree cousins or something. You may be attracted to your cousin and wanting to shag her. But you'd be more careful I guess.' it makes a big difference

  50. I had coffee with an European friend .She told me that she knows
    an Algerian girl who has an amazing sexual life
    I said : " Please , stop it!!! "
    She : " Why , you don't know her and she is not your sister !!!"
    Me: " I know ..."
    She: " Will you have the same reaction if she was.... Tunisian ?"
    Me: " probably not ,cause an Algerian girl abroad is like my family ... don't touch this ..."

    Happy new year to all my sisters and brothers .

  51. It is an interesting topic of conversation, to say the very least.
    I, for my part, have lived abroad for quite some time. Only god knows how many women I've "dated" (politely put) during that extended period of time. Women of all shapes and sizes, including the ugly ones of course.
    But I have to admit that ain't no better than our fine Algerian ladies! Whoever fails to realize this, is either too young or too foolish..or both.
    When I felt ready to get married, I was faced with some serious questions: Can I marry a woman other than an Algerian one? Can I raise my children in England? Why did I leave my country in the first place? Can I somehow live a normal & happy life in Dz? After giving all these questions some serious thought, I came to the conclusion that I can't marry a non Algerian chick, that I won't raise my kids in crazy England, that's it's ok to live in DZ and that's exactly what I did..except that I haven't got married yet. Well, I'm engaged for now and will get married in the coming weeks, god's willing. I am as happy as it gets, even though I'm back to Dz, and will be even happier when I will finally marry my lovely Algerian wife. I am sure you guys have different opinions, as voiced in your different comments but I invite you to have serious thought about all these life changing matters. I wish you good luck with whatever conclusion you may come to.

  52. I just discovered your blog DZ chick and love it! I have to say though on your latest post that I feel exactly the same towards DZ men, I see them as my brothers and any kind of relationship other than friendship makes me feel icky. I think they're gorgeous, intelligent, etc but I could not date them. Any. And that is not for lack of knowing interesting Algerian blokes. NG.

  53. Anonymous 1 thank you for a very clear and descriptive explanation to this sister/cousin whatever theory! Also I am glad you admit to it being a little hypocritical .

    Anonymous 2 the fact that you found it hard to believe an Algerian girl could be leading a healthy sexual lifestyle proves my point so perfectly,I have to thank you.

    Anonymous 3 thanks for sharing, it's always good to hear some good stories with good ends.
    Further to your comment on 'crazy England', England is not crazy, it's just different from Algeria, I grew up in Algeria and I turned out ok, I lived and still do in England and am ok ( apart from little episodes of pulling own hair etc) but these experiences are very personal and diffrent to each and every one of us. Good luck though and congratulations on your wedding and finding your special someone.

    NG Welcome to, you finally found it after over 4 years of my talking talking talking ... :)

    I would understand your point of view only of you did not grow up in Algeria and like some of the "témoignages" I collected explained, your only experience with DZ men were your father, brother and family members and thus you view all DZ men as such? If not, then I am curious to know why you find them attractive but the very idea of being with one is icky to you? Incestuous?

  54. England is, beyond any doubt and mathematical certainty, a crazy country (i.e. society) in every way you look at it. All the statistics confirm it: The limeys are leaders in teenage pregnancy, binge drinking, drug use, sexual offenses, delinquency, money laundering, obesity, shall I carry on?
    One with a sound mind and a functional brain would never carry on living in such a racist and bigoted piece of land let alone raise his/her kids there.

  55. Thanks DZ Chick :-) Yes finally!

    Quite right, I was born in France but as you may know, the kind of exclusion that goes on in France quarters us all in, and so as I grew up, my environment has always been made up of practically only Algerians (and Moroccans), either born in France like me or born in Algeria and having emigrated recently in their teens or 20s. Therefore, the people I always felt understood me better where Algerians. So it hasn't only been my family - which I agree would explain that I would (un)consciously view anyone Algerian as belonging to my familly and therefore would commit some kind of incest - but it has been my entire environment that has been Algerian, my best friends, my acquaintances, my first flirts were Algerians.

    When I moved away from France to the UK, and having been here over 10 years now, and as I dated guys from other backgrounds (Europeans), I noticed that I felt very different: no inhibitions basically.

    As I say it is not for lack of seeing Algerians awesomeness :p.

    All these elements compounded have led me to view Algerian guys as brothers. As one of your interviewee said (although male and I am a woman!): a relationship with an Algeiran "brings it close to home". I too would feel guilty for having 'used' the guy for having only wanted a bit of fun. I view a relationship with an Algerian as a serious affair, and it makes it burdensome and offputting, so I just pat them on the back and remain friends instead.

    Maybe I'm just evil! NG

  56. I feel you miss a couple of things:

    1. Some prefer to avoid Algerians because they want to disconnect from the country itself. Deeper entanglement, esp through marriage, would mean more regular visits to the country...etc. Some are avoiding that.

    2. As many of the demographic you surveyed live here without families, a subset of them would favour to marry someone with relatives in Britain, which offers an existing support network through the in-laws. Most of these young professionals can't offer each other that given that there families are in another land.

    3. Some us, just simply, don't really care about nationality, or, at least, don't see what is that is "Algerian" that needs to be preserved, therefore, not seeing what an Algerian partner would offer that others can't.

  57. I dunno about you guys but the best sex I ever had was always with Algerian chicks! I really do mean it. I dunno why but I always wanted to shag any Algerian woman I met outside DZ. Provided, of course, that they weren't married or minors. It's one of those sexual attractions that one can't explain with simple mortal words. You also have to admit that whispering them naughty Algerian things in one's ear while doing "it" can be such a turn on!
    Them Algerian men who pretend not to fancy our lovely Algerian chicks are big time liars/hypocrites! They either secretly hate them because they painfully lack the smarts or the looks to get them or because they're simply jealous over the fact they (Dz chicks) dared to date a non-Algerian bloke.
    There are, of course, those who are into cheap meat that they can pick up at any walkabout pub on any given night, but that's a different story. We can't really blame them or shall we?


  58. Saladin, you are definitely a virgin trying to sound cool and be controversial. Please keep your fantasies to yourself.

  59. NG I appreciate your honesty, It's refreshing and quite funny, and no you're not evil, you're the way you are... :)

    Saladin I can cite just as many crazy things in Algeria as you've listed for England and WE know Algeria is crazy! The rising numbers of People with Aids, murders, incests, fraud, theft, adulteries, prostitution, teenage pregnancies, burgluraries, corruption that is instilled in most Algerians... Shall I continue? And no you cannot compare because Algeria is a Muslim country and everything is done under wraps or underground.... So Algeria wins the craziest trophee :)

    Anonymous valid points of course, the last one is a little personal I suppose, I cannot really comment, though I think each person is different regardless of nationality or religion and if you don't have strong ties to either ( country, language or religion) then yes, an Algetian wouldn't be have anything more to offer than any other nationality!

    As to the first point, people who would want to disconnect completely from their country of origin, I tried to put myself in their shoes and I understand that if they have no family left in Algeria or have had a particularly tough time during the 90s or something but other than that, I am ignorant!

    On your 2nd point: technicalities, practicalities... What about love?

  60. Thanks for the response.

    Sticking to the order of points:

    1. There are lots of reasons for people not to want such attachment. Probably mostly due to negative experiences, whether with family, society, the state, terrorism...etc. Regardless of the reason, there are some who just want to cut the cord and seeking a "compatriot" doesn't help that.

    2. The Japanese say "love is a temporary disease of the heart". Certainly, some would seek love, sometimes at their own peril. For others, a balance between the practical and the romantic is preferable. Seeking a partner with family ties could in itself be a search for a love greater than the romantic type; to ensure offspring have other sources of affection than the parents.

    3. Well, yes. However, some might still maintain an attachment to language, ethnicity or religion, or some mix of sorts. I, for one, don't see the relevance of nationality in marriage.

  61. Ohhhh sticking to the order of things! You do that :)
    I will revert later... Not very easy to type on ze phone!

  62. @Dz-Chick: Not so my dear, England beat us like a drum when it comes to: number of People with Aids, murders, incests, fraud, theft, adulteries, prostitution, teenage pregnancies, burglaries, corruption, etc, no wonder their prisons are over jammed . I mean we're saints compared to those Anglo Saxon freaks. So the trophy, if there is any, shall be awarded to England who deserves it more than any other country out there. How dare you put down your own country of birth in order to defend your despicable "host" country? The old imperial whore has more shame to bear and more blood in its hands than all the rest of countries combined. You should be proud of your own heritage instead of brown nosing them limeys. You also have to face the sad fact that you are nothing but a "subject" to her majesty the German (with some Nazi links) queen of England. The unelected Mountbatten witch is your head of state, the head of the Armed Forces, the head of the Church of England, in other words: your supreme ruler. Your "Lords" from the house of lords are also unelected officials but that another story. However, your "elected" so-called representatives from House of Commons MUST swear an oath of allegiance to the Mountbatten family if they are to take their seats in the legislature = "I swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, her heirs and successors, according to law. So help me God." That same oath has also to be taken by police officers, judges, military personnel personnel, etc. Needless to mention that Britain has no written constitution to guarantee your rights and the rights of your future children. For you see, all these mentioned people didn't make the pledge to represent and protect you but their sole mission is to represent and protect their unelected monarch, her heirs and successors. Since you mentioned Islam, I'm obliged to remind you that your Queen is also "the defender of the faith" not your faith but the Anglican one that is. Not so flattering you would agree.
    There's so much to say but I'd rather stop here.


  63. Yes I think it's s good idea for you to stop there!

  64. @Funky Budha: Can we stick to facts. Britain certainly has one of the highest levels of Teenage Pregnancy, but not that of AIDS, thefts, prostitution etc. You may compare data on Gapminder:

    Besides, this is not the topic in discussion. Revenons a nous moutons.

  65. Funky Budha is not very zen, is he?

    Come on FB, there's no need to spit at others just to prove or defend your point! You can be proud of your country/nation/religion etc. without rejecting others!

    Go take a walk if you're bored!

  66. Anonymous
    First, sure some people of all nationalities may or may not choose to cut the chords with the home country for different reasons and certainly marrying from own nationality might not make the cut easy or indeed possible unless both parties agree, still I find it difficult to understand but respect the choice all the same

    Secondly: The japanese have a lot of sayings, not all of them can be applied to us I am afraid, the Japanese culture generally does not believe in love and marriages are formed on practical and pragmatic reasons, I read some research paper on Japanese marriage and relationships and I cannot really say that I'd like to cite them as a reference, it's so alien to anything I know or would like my life to be like, good to know however. Your point about seeking a partner with family ties in the host country is more probable yea but remains unromantic but perhaps necessary for some people.

    On your 3rd point where you claim you can maintain an attachment to the language or religion without having to make the same nationality alliance, perhaps you do through friends and family, I don't know, but a lot of people turn towards their own when it comes to marriage mainly for the childrends sake or simply because it's less complicated so for lazy reasons, they don't want to go through the whole process of explaining the culture, religion, family, language etc... Some think about the older days and their more pious days that come with age as we know happens in our culture generally. This is where the relevance of nationality transpires in marriage most Algerians that is, others don't see the relevance like yourself.

  67. Nice blog & extremely interesting topics you have put out there since 07. I just wish i was much more curious about what Algerians abroad think & blog about, it surely would've helped somehow dealing with my numerous issues. Not too late….

  68. Thank Farès! As you said, it's not too late and it's funny to see what kind of issues Algerians have depending on location, age etc ...

  69. hello to all my virgin friends.

    why you bashing the virgins?

    virgins don't worry about missing their periods, not too much unless we takings those hormone-imbalance causing pills like for acne or somefing

    we don't worry about the morning after or even the night before

    we don't worries about STDs. being a virgin is a choice, getting an STD isn't normally.

    we virgins are bringing sexy back

    virgins do not equal loser or worry about getting someones daughters pregnant

    open minded does not mean open legged

    virgins are cools.

    let's have a poll on how many virgins are around? dz chick you're a virgin please stand up for us.

  70. Attention to the last questionable entity:

    You're most likely a brain virgin. If you stay too long on this blog, I'll be the one who will forcibly pop your cherry up.


  71. Virgin were you supposed to post this on the Like z virgin ....Again post?
    Nobody is bashing virgins hon!

    Anonymous forcefully pop her cherry up? The brain one I presume! .....lurvely!

  72. Oh I forgot to mention the Virgin sounds like a guy so unless you're gay or don't care, I'd like to see you try :)

  73. @Dz-chick

    You're perfectly right on your presumption, though I wouldn't have minded popping up her downtown cherry, in a gentlemanly manner of course.


  74. Not sure how this turned into a virginity question so I will try to take the conversation back to the original issue...I personally always thought it was the opposite, Algerian men want to be with Algerian girls, especially if they are abroad, as it's a way to keep them attached to their roots.. having said that, I've noticed that the more time an Algerian man spends abroad, the more they hold on onto "traditions" that are not very relevant any more, that's perhaps what scares some Algerian women off. This in turn might explain the difference in which the Algerian woman and the European one are treated (something that was mentioned previously) as with an Algerian woman, they can let it out and feel that it's ok because she is used to that kind of thinking...As I've never dated an Algerian man abroad, I might totally be wrong and really wish I am

  75. @Dz-Chick

    Are you still single? If so, are you looking for an Algerian husband?
    The title of your blog as well as your different comments here and there lead me to assume that it is indeed the case.


  76. @ Missa

    What did you mean by: "they (Algerian men) hold on onto "traditions" that are not very relevant any more" ?

    Have you ever dated an Algerian guy before?

  77. I would resume the situation (i.e. Algerian vs. Algerian) by quoting an old Algerian joke: It is about an Algerian prostitute who has one day decided to settle down, look for a nice Algerian husband, found a family and have kids, etc. When she finally managed to find the "right" guy, she turned him down on the eve of the wedding, on the pretense that he lacked the moral strength of character that should've prevented him from marrying a whore in the first place!
    PS: No offense intended.


  78. Missa not totally wrong I must admit but it is not case for all Algerians out there! It's usually the case of some people who left Algeria a long time ago and didn't return until a very long tone had elapsed, giving them quite a shock as to the way Algeria has changed, negatively in their minds!

    Chico yeah you know of one for me? Pfff trust me it is not on my blog where I hope to find my special someone.... But never say never right :)
    Very good 'joke' actually! Thx

  79. Sometimes the most uncommon things happen in the most uncommon of places. If you truly believe in "el maktoub" then you ought not disregard such a potentiality.
    You have to excuse my forward behavior but I often go straight to the point: what are the odds that we might get together?
    How do you expect your future husband to look/be like?
    If per chance we hook up, would you accept and look after zizou, my golden retriever?
    These are some important questions for you to answer if I were to ponder the possibility of a worthy addition to my harem!


  80. Chico I prefer cats and re: your Hareem, I don't know what you've heard but I don't like sharing! :)

  81. Dz-Chick,

    You need not to worry about my harem staff, it is solely filled with temporary aides and helpers.
    If elected to be my other half, considering that you have already passed the eligibility test, you will expeditiously be promoted to the honorable rank of Chief Executive Officer & Joint Chief of Staff...of my harem.
    I don't mind cats as long as they're of the female species.
    So you don't like sharing?! Here I was hoping you would at least share you cherished love! Hoping in vain?


  82. Chico a CEO? A generous offer am sure... You spoil me sir! I passed the eligibility test huh? Well I am happy to hear I passed a test I didn't take, I knew I was brilliant but not to this extent! Passing tests and getting all these big titles, when do I start? ;)

  83. Chica

    When do you start? Oh dear, you're the only one who can make that call. You can depart at this very moment if that be your wish. I'll be taking a hot bath so you'll find the keys under the mat. Bring along a bottle of Ruinart on your way here, ain't nothing better then a bubbly to celebrate such merry event.


  84. See that was easy wasn't it :) poof and I have a fixtional date :)

  85. Chica

    You're the living proof that Algerian women can't even handle a simple "fictional" relationship let alone a real one!
    There's nothing that an Algerian woman wishes for that I don't have in abundance; and yet! you turned me down like a bedspread.
    I was about the only one around who declared his undying and everlasting love for you but you somehow managed to cast that aside.
    Can anyone out there help me out in capturing this fine lady? your assistance would be much appreciated. Gracias


  86. Are you breaking up with me already! Ah man I was just getting my négligé...

  87. Chica

    Breaking up with you?! What could have possibly lead you to such a wrongly wrong wronglusion?
    Come on Chica, lets prove to these skeptical conspiracy theorists out there that two apparently sane Algerians can love each other so much so that it will make Romeo & Juliette look like some teenage flirt!
    Come on Chica! do it for love! do it for science! do it for our future highly intelligent cute babies! do it for something, I mean just do it!


  88. Do you work for Nike by any chance?
    Do what babe? What do you want me to do?

  89. Chica

    Just do what you gotta do scoopidoo!
    I loved it when you called me "babe" it's a telling tale. We're getting somewhere babe, aren't we?


  90. @Anonymous: I apologise as I should have been clearer in my post :) what I meant by "traditions" is the definition of the man's and woman's roles, in which as you can imagine, the woman's role is almost limited to cooking and raising kids.. As I mentioned in my previous post, I've never dated an Algerian man and so most of this is based on the very few men (hopefully a non representative sample :)) I've met in London casually. Let me just clarify that the reason I've never dated an Algerian man, is not because "I snobbed them" as some people mentioned on this blog, it's simply because I've never met any (apart from the sample I mentioned who were all married to British or Italian girls) but maybe Chica-DZ is right, it's probably only relevant to those who left a very long time ago, this was the case for my "sample" at least :)

  91. @Missa

    If it weren't for the fact that I'm morally engaged to Dz-Chich, I would've offered the proposal that we go for a date. But I must remain somehow faithful to her since she will one day be my babies mama.


  92. @Chico lol we're going to mobilise the blog readers to make it happen :)
    @DZ-Chick, come on, go on a date with Chico already :) then you can write a new tale: - Chick and Chico, how it came to be- "It all started on the man-created web, a young girl from Algeria; an African land its people want to flee but can't live away from..."
    To quote Mr Chico "Just do it" :)

  93. Missa I always preffered Reebock to Nike! What's their slogan again? Run run lol

  94. @Missa

    The "just do it" thing is an epic line from an epic movie "starsky and hutch". It doesn't make much sense when you write it down but it is as funny as hell when you manage to say it Starsky style. Anyway, check this video out to catch what I'm talking about. Just do it :)

    @Chica Why do we always have to run after you guys?! Can't you reverse the process for a change? I am worth being chased after. Just do it!


  95. I am a traditionalist :)
    Nike: just do it
    Starsky: DO IT

  96. Nike: just do it
    Starsky: DO IT
    Dz-Chick: I wont do it!
    Chico: Why not?!
    Dz-Chick: cos I am a traditionalist
    Chico: What's that supposed to mean?'
    Dz-Chick: Well, it simply means that I'm interested as hell but the Nike freak ain't gonna get me without a proper chase!
    Chico: Well, I'd rather go for Missa, she seems more interested than you are and she's not showing any sign of resistance.
    Dz-Chick: You do that and you're some dead Nike corpse. Come back here and take me. DO IT!
    Chico: Now we're talking..


  97. Hi I'm back from freezing but nice Montreal(if anyone cares!)

    @DZ-Chick - You have to admit Chico's good..I enjoy reading his posts...Do Not Resist!! :)

    Btw,How was your trip to Algiers?

  98. Chico lol you're actually crazy
    Blue holiday was great, too long even though, it's dangerous when it's long, makes the return harder
    Me? Resisting Chico?? How can that be? Surely that's impossible!

  99. @Blue:

    Am I just "good" ?! How amazingly inaccurate you are on your judgments. You owe me an apology.
    Btw,Dz-chick isn't interested in a mere "good chico". That highly sophisticated vixen wouldn't settle for anything less than a "perfect chico", and that's exactly how I see myself.


    Submit! Resistance is futile!

  100. @Chico: My appologies great master, you're not good but great, amazing, incridible!!Hahahahaha
    Keep writing like that cuz it's turning me on...ooops!did I juat say that?!! Tell me, was it an acceptable appology?! LMAO

  101. Congratulations Blue You are the 100th commentator :)

    It seems Chico is doing very well with the ladies, but i warn you Blue, he's probably writing from prison lol

  102. @Blue:

    My carefully crafted words had triggered in you some unexpected premature "outcum"! I just wish it had the same effect on my chica. She seems to be as cold as the ice in the fridge!
    Careful there woman! My chica is an extremely jealous hellcat. You better leave her chico alone. If you don't heed this advice, she'll rip your heart out before you're aware of it.


  103. @ Dz-chick: The 100 commentator?! Great! Do I get a prize or something?! lol

    @ Chico and all men: To win a women's heart you guys have to be, above all, humble. Dz-Chick or any chick look at that first; being cocky is not really what a woman is looking for in a man!

  104. Dz-Chick:

    I'm writing from my soul through my heart. It is now clear that you have never been loved by a real man. What a shame


  105. @Blue

    Let me assure you that it is not Chica's heart that is my long-term interest. She's got quite a few other equally valuable treasures which I fully expect to discover in the near future.


  106. Blue yes, the prize is always great for the 100th comment....ME! :P
    I am in NY soon....:)

    Chico You're probably right, I've never been loved by a great man, maaan i haven't lived! where did my life go? but you're here now, thanks be to god for you, now i can start my life and stop pretending to care about my career and start thinking about babies! Praise be to god.

    Yours truly, DZC

  107. Are you really coming to NYC?! That's great! Let me know when!

  108. @Dz-chick

    You have exactly 24 hours to surrender! The people who hold you in the highest esteem DEMAND it. Passing that period of time, there will be NO truce, NO compassion, NO peace talks. If by misfortune you fail to submit, I'll urge the UN security council to pass a resolution allowing me to use force. Over three decades of single life is more than one can bare! during that long period of tyranny, you have killed the spirits of your adoring public, tortured their souls and starved to death their hungry hearts. Enough is enough. No more tyranny. The Arab spring is taking this blog by storm. A transitional council has been formed. Freedom is on its way. Love shall prevail!


  109. Blue yeah soon, I will keep you updated.

    Chico God the big guns huh! OK OK I surrender....

  110. Gee I haven't finished typing off my last comment that you already surrendered! I mean you've surrendered before I even ask you to! That's what I call a preemptive strike :)
    I knew that sooner or later you would submit! now let us discuss MY terms of YOUR surrender. To be continued


  111. Classic :)
    This is exactly why I "surrendered" because I knew resistance is futile when you are so full of hot air :)

    It's been entertaining...

  112. @Dz-Chick:

    I'm "full of hot air" but yet you find it "entertaining"! How interesting! Wouldn't be fair to conclude that Algerian women = contradiction?


  113. Not at can't accuse someone of being contradictory because they think something or someone who is full of hot air is also entertaining, hot air balloons are fun...are they not! Don't answer that.

  114. what??? Chick and Chico hasn't happened yet???? Come ooooooon, I gave you all day!
    @Blue, help me out here!!

  115. Well, "full of hot air" means empty/valueless/nonsensical/absurd/rubbish talk! I'll rest my case with this undeserving slander.


  116. Indeed it's not undeserved as you so claim sir!

    Must i expect a note from your lawyer? Again don't answer that.

    Missa It's a lot case hon, he's all yours ladies!
    I prefer to take my chances and remain single.

  117. @DZ-Chick, I'm not having it! Have I not mentioned that I watched too many Disney's? This girl needs a happy ending of Chick and Chico :D

    You do entertain me :)

  118. Was it something that I said or didn't do that caused you to post such disheartening messages?

  119. I am sorry if I offended you Chico

  120. Dz-Chica:

    Your apology is accepted. Just don't let it happen again. For I shall surely give you a sound spanking.


  121. Pffff how is that punishment!!

  122. @ Missa: sorry hun, can't help you on this one. He was fun at first but then he sounded like Anthony Hopkins in "The Silence of The Lambs" (Not a compliment as you can imagine). I'll pass on that one!But entertaining I must admit :)

  123. A full of hot air Hannibal Lecter! Never been called that before. A wonderfully new experience. Keep'em coming. It's getting interesting by the minute.


  124. I was thinking we should someday do like Patrick Bruel song "Place des Grand Hommes" the song where former friends make the pact to meet after 10 yrs or so. All the bloggers would meet but we shouldn't wait that long, and then we start introducing ourselves:"hey, I'm Dz-chick! hey I'm Blue!or hey I'm Hannibal Lecter..I mean I'm chico!loll That would be somthing!! :)

  125. It was indeed "entertaining" until I start being called not so flattering names.

    It's been fun. Bonne continuation


  126. Chico, did you manage to pop anything bro?

  127. Chico! Did you read dz chicks comment about the spanking not bring a punishment??? She means she likes it bro!

  128. @Chico: Oh nooooo!!! please come back!! You remind me, or at least the way you write, of a book I read lately which triggered some strange emotions in me!! :) And besides, you can call us whatever and we can't?! That's not fair play! Come back?! :)

  129. What do you say Dz-Chick? I'm sure Chico's waiting for a post from you!! isn't it part of the game?!

  130. Oh no you chased my man away!
    But then again my "man" cannot be chased for he is resilient, persistent and strong minded!

    I don't like games though! Am too old for that sort of ....

  131. yeah...yeah...we're all too old for that sort of games right!!!;)

  132. You guys care so much about me that I just couldn't turn my back on you.

    @Dz-chick: Am I entitled to a reunion kiss?


  133. @Virgin: Not yet. But don't push your luck though :)


  134. @Blue:

    Out of curiosity, what is that book that I reminded you of?


  135. Welcome back Mister.

    I won't interupt or interfere between the two of you anymore! I will do as the other bloggers do, read the posts silently! or otherwisw he would leave again!

  136. @Blue:

    Your nose got in it because you are an Algerian woman! and, as you know very well, all Algerian women love heart-stopping, risk-taking and daring mystery, among other scary things. So your nose as well as others, are very much welcomed on these tits for tats.
    BTW, need I remind you that I'm entitled to four wives?


  137. Oh dear, Chico, you definitely know how to make an Algerian girl angry!

  138. @Missa:

    What did I say that would make them angry?


  139. I feel like a party pooper! I must've said something really wrong to cause such a deafening silence. Peto venia!


  140. hello again dear friends, i am glowing, yes i have the glow. not from being pregnant no, but i've just been to the tanning salon and i have the orange glow of dying embers.

    fill me in. no i don't mean in a pervy way you pervs, i just mean fill me in on the latest happenings here. as i see it, chico is our new favourite and being tailed closely by myself, massi, blue (who's now turned purple-red) and chica. that's 4.
    chico, have you got a big heart to go with your big mouth?

  141. @Chico: I don’t know about other Algerian women but your description is close to how I would describe myself and my “nose” is thanking you for your generosity mister!
    As of the book I was referring to, Instead of giving you the title, I would just say that it’s about Greek Mythology of another genre where it involves Masters and their slaves from other kingdoms…it was very absorbing!

  142. Dear virgin,

    Your estate has no portal either large enough or deep enough for me to properly "fill you in".
    A single partial insertion in the doorway of heaven would proven to be a risky venture, and also very dangerous. I would've stuck to that honorable title of yours (i.e. virgin) if I were you.
    Are you, in your foolishness, aware of the dangers involved in teasing Hannibal Lecter? You'd be nothing more than a tasty morsel in his mouth (wink)


  143. @Blue..a.k.a schtroumpfette:)

    I am the best book ever written! I have so much more to offer than your frustrating books. I have read most of the brain farters. Learned though that they can't tell one how to properly care for an Algerian woman :)


  144. My Chica:

    Your roaring silence is quite a heavy load to bare. Are you alive, or just pleasantly unmindful to it all?

    Your Chico

  145. The latter I believe my dear...
    but hey I always play hard to get :)

  146. Chica:

    What about our reunion kiss? Can I have it now? Feeling a bit hungry..


  147. don't be too needy chico, you should know better.

    and FYI, i do love me a nice sizzling slice of brain escalope. especially with a bit of lemon and garlic with some herbs. in the vein of nando's chicken livers.

    to shoot his load, man needs to bear his load too.

  148. @Virgin:

    I've never been deprived of that which I really wanted or needed, and I am forever feasting on the very best of God's creation.
    Anyway, what do you about "loads"..VIRGIN?


  149. i shoot the soil with them

  150. @Virgin:

    You are not yet mature enough to excite me. If perchance you don't wear yourself out as a naughty girl, you might one day be able to arouse that which only a real woman can do (i.e. Dz-Chick). Til' then, take it easy, read, reflect, and be nice.


  151. Tout doux Hannibal! Stop being mean with Virgin; everyone has its place on this blog!!

  152. Let's go back to our main subject and try to understand why our dear Algerian men see our dear Algerian women as non-potential partners!

    I have a thesis- I believe Algerian guys have an inferiority complex that leads them to think (wrongfully) that we idolater males from other cultures and other nationalities. This make them feel vulnerable to the point that they want to polish themselves and get ready before meeting THE one (Algerian woman for that matter) but then they lose themselves in the process and forget the purpose of the quest which is becoming what Algerian women are drooling for “THE real man”.

  153. Well, you got off on the wrong foot by being so persistent in the assumption that we (Algerian men) see you (Algerian women) as non-potential partners. Nothing could be further from the truth.
    Then you went on to develop some dubious thesis about an (non-existent) "inferiority complex" that we allegedly have towards our female counterparts.
    So answer me this one question, before we proceed any further: What kind of non-man have you been dating lately?
    Mayhaps I should fly out this very day and give you a totally free demonstration on what THE real man is all about. My expert advice and highly personalized service is always there for the asking.


  154. Something to ponder upon:

    "Un rapport du ministère de la justice pour l’année écoulée nous livre des chiffres effrayants sur le déchirement familial en Algérie: 50.000 cas de divorce en 2011 ! Soit 6 divorces par heure ! Dont plus de 5628 cas de khol’a, 5135 procès de divorce à la demande de l’épouse, 24658 cas de répudiations, 14418 divorces à l’amiable."


  155. Let me remind you Chico that I wasn’t the one suggesting the non-potentiality of the Algerian partner. If you scroll further up, you will see that a few fellow bloggers (men and women) confess that it would be non-moral for them to date Algerians and feel guilt if further more happens without any outcome (so I modestly understood). I myself don’t have these kinds of issues in dating Algerian compatriot. I enjoy the shared sense of humor and the fact that we can communicate in our language that is our Algerian dialect. In my thesis (which is very well debatable as you pointed out) is an attempt in addressing the issue from a different angle to get some feedback and maybe erase a preconception some may have.

    It is very tempting indeed to be part of such free “demonstration of the real man” but I will spare you the hustle of a long trip and suggest you volunteer your “savoir- faire” close by where you are which I’m sure will be very much appreciated.

  156. Dear Blue:

    "fly out" is a form of figure of speech that wasn't meant to be taken literally.
    It might be that I live across from your street. So if I were to follow your suggestion, my “savoir- faire” would be "surely very much appreciated" by you!
    We do have so much in common. Since we share the same sense of humor and the same language/dialect, we may as well go all the way and share bodies! Mine is warm, cuddlely, and infinitely huggable. How is your's? Bet it is in need of proper attention. All these things are important if I am to give myself to you.


  157. I sure did understood it that way (figuratively) but I found it amusing (to me at least) to answer you that way…would it be fair to say that we’re letting our imagination go wild?!
    I am honorably "touched" by your proposition considering I haven't passed any test of yours or did you ommit to mention it?!
    As of your question in regards of the temperature of my body, it sounds like I don’t seem to have any secrets for you!

  158. Dear Blue,

    Where do we go from here?


  159. Why do you think there is such alarming numbers in divorce in Algeria? I honestly don’t think it is about merely disputes and futile arguments. So what’s your intake in that matter?

  160. Chico, I suggest we keep on writing and let the delight increase as I am a logophile which I am sure you must know by now.

  161. I suggest you both take a look at my latest instalment Normal

    As for our friend Chico as we say in Algeria yedrab up Yakhti lol

  162. @Blue:

    Très belle tentative d’esquive. Je dirais même une magistrale feinte à la Ronaldinho! Anymore tricks up your sleeve?
    How did you manage to switch from an imminent sexual encounter to..divorce? That's quite a turn off, don't you think?


  163. Brutal awakening Dz-Chick!!I was having fun :(

    "Yedrab up Yakhti"?? I'm not sure of the meaning of that as I'm not from Algiers. Can anyone explain?!

  164. A turn off?! For you maybe! I’m more aroused than ever…keep writing…it’s better than any natural aphrodisiac ;)

  165. Not 'up' it's 'ou'
    It means he's an outrageous flirt and nothing will come out of it... Awkward flirting!

  166. @Chica dyali:

    Ain't that the truth my love? But you do enjoy every bit of it, don't you darling? wink


  167. @Dz-Chick:

    Nothing will cum out of it?! Well, blue is getting ever closer to a climax of a celestial magnitude. Would you go as far as to doubt her truthful testimony?


  168. Chica

    No wonder you're single!


  169. There you go again!! the eternal dialogue between chico and wanna know what's my turn off?! this!!(No offense Dz-Chick)
    Chico,I ike exclusivity I'm gonna let you with your favorite one..peace out cheri!

  170. Lol Blue you cannot be serious
    Chico is nothing but a naughty boy who should be spanked repradelty and put on his naughty step, don't fret, I am sure I am not interested

  171. My chica

    I didn't mean it in an offensive way.



  172. Chico is the only reason Algerian women should fight? I'll buy that. Its only logical since I can feed them breakfast, lunch, delicious snacks, and a fourteen course dinner at one setting (metaphorically speaking):)


  173. Don't flatter yourself honey :) nobody is fighting for you here

  174. Blue is merely upset over the fact that I can love many women at the same time. Now can someone tell me a single rational reason why I should have but one woman enjoying my incommensurable talents?

    As for Chica, It is true that I'm in love with her. But she'll no longer return my affection. Choosing instead to toy with my feelings, and generally putting me through hell on earth. Can't you see that Chico is extremely upset over the injustice of it?


  175. Chica

    Is not flattering themselves a thing that all living legends just naturally do?


  176. Nice tune I wanted to share...

  177. @Blue:

    Quite a depressing one!

    Try this one for a change:

    Much love


  178. Not less depressing than my tune but nice!

  179. It's near impossible to please them Algerian chicks. They're just never happy. We will soon find out why.


  180. @ Chico: "Now can someone tell me a single rational reason why I should have but one woman enjoying my incommensurable talents?"

    I already answered that in my mind and my answer would for sure surprise you and other bloggers but I will refrain from doing so openly in this blog.

  181. @Blue:

    No holds barred. Go ahead, get it out of your system. I'm all ears.


  182. I wish you were("all ears") and I wish I could get it out of my chest...if I do put it in writing, I'm afraid I will even surprise myself.

  183. I just posted a comment that did not appear! Am I being censured?! I hope not!

  184. Sorry I was on the phone for ages I didn't get to publish your comment Blue :)

  185. On the phone with me.

  186. Fo sho Virgin! How do you like my suave voice?

  187. That's alright hun:)
    On the phone with Virgin?! how intersting is that!
    We're not hearing from you anymore Virgin; now I know why!

  188. just lurrrrrrvve it. can you please call me back in 9 min? i ran out of credit and my right ear is hot.

  189. @Blue:

    Is intrigue your middle name?


  190. What's the lady's e-mail address?


  191. C'est ce que j'appel une chanson reposante... j'en ai bien besoin en ce it!

  192. @Blue:

    How do you expect me to write to you when i don't even have your e-mail address?
    I know I'm magic but not that magic darling.


  193. When I was young I used to think (WE) Algerian are special, unique souls, honest .. even cute compared to other nationalities but frankly no more. We are like « others » but just in our context.

    As for Algerian men considering Algerian girls as sisters in UK or wherever It can be true for a few of them, but this is not a general rule (a value).

    I am not saying we do not have principles and values (as it seems a value related subject) but just trying to find out why we consider ourselves diffrent and complicate things.

    You may date an Algerian girl if you find the one (according to you) as you may not and that's it.

    From Algeria.

  194. Une friend of mine who is tunisienne m'a raconté une histoire quand j'étais à Dubai last year.
    Elle travaille dans un hotel et une fois an Algerian girl came with an olddd man, au niveau du reception desk elle devait show son passeport pour prouver qu'elle n'était pas mineur (je ne sais pas comment ça se passe labas) , el mouhim the reception guy was Algerian (men zehareha), et il ne l'a pas laissé monté dans la chambre avec l'homme, il essayait de la convaincre for that termilou el ma, que ce n'était pas bien, pourquoi tu retournes pas en Algérie, c haram

    la tunisienne m'a dit que he is a brave redjla Algerian. She told only Algerian can do that

    From Algeria

  195. DZ-Chick: OHHH I just saw "Trilingual Illiterates: Algeria's Language Crisis"

    I re-read my last post and it is a living proof of what you wrote. HILARIOUS..

    From Algeria

  196. @Blue:

    Check your mailbox.



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