Friday 13 May 2011

SlutWalk.....Because I am not!

Ladies, get your bras and knickers and get ready to march on the streets of London, this June 18th for the Slutwalk movement, that has made its way across the pond from Toronto.

This quasi-feminist uprising has risen following the comments of Toronto Police Constable Michael Sanguinetti’s to a York University class – that women who don’t want to be sexually assaulted should “avoid dressing like sluts”

So as a retaliation, women took to the streets in white t-shirt baring the slogan "SlutWalk – “Because We’ve Had Enough" or in their underwear and marched in Toronto, Australia and soon in London.

I personally will not participate in lingerie or otherwise, but I do feel deeply concerned by the comments, what chances do women have when subjected to these prejudices,

The police are always urging women to report any incident of sexual abuse or rape, yet the statistics show more than 40% of sexual assaults against women go unreported, what are the chances any women would report a rape after hearing such a comment from an authority figure.

Why is it always the women’s fault when she is assaulted? She was provocative, she was willing, she was a slut, she was a prostitute, women have had enough of being SLUWALK....because they've had enough.


  1. I understand the motivation for the walk, but don't believe dressing provocatively is the answer.

    Besides, you know that by advertising the walk, they've advertised a perve-for-free event for men. What are they gonna do, gauge out the eyes of any guy who stares?

  2. i think the slogan is 'slutwalk: because i am a complete slut' :P

    am all for it and totally agree with it, so much so that i might be there to support the cause. i might try to spot you in the crowd.

  3. The fact that all women are prepared to walk it semi naked is a bit like a safety in numbers approach, "we are dressed like sluts, we are all sluts, are you going to write off all women as sluts?"

    @TDW: I will not participate, but will make sure to watch it, I will be on a Boris bike, fully clthed.

  4. Women should dress moderately according to islamic teachings, then we won't have to have this debate.

  5. @ Anonymous: Women of London should dress according to islamic teachings?? I'd like to see you try to tell them that!

  6. So is dressing like a 'slut' will reduce the sexual abuse cases?

    Seriously, want respect? 'stop dressing like a slut'!

  7. @Ikseer: I don’t think you understood the issue here. You were very quick to jump into conclusions!

    I am not condoning the SLUTWALK movement but I certainly don't agree with the comments that instigated it nor do I agree with your comment "want respect, stop dressing like a slut" I think there are ways of addressing issues and they do not include calling any women a SLUT.

  8. maybe there could be an international slut day as a result ... that would be an interesting day.

  9. I meant women all over the world yes. Islam is a religion of God for all mankind. When people follow their own desires you get to debate such stupid topics. Even if London or UK girls are not muslim they used to be more conservative in the way they dress for centuries. It's unfortunate that women nowadays feel the need to compromise their dignity to please others and don't tell me they reveal flesh to please themselves for God's sake. What's even more disturbing is that muslim women are following along blindly and you are one prime example of that. So instead of telling me london girls won't listen to me, tell me whether you ,at least, would listen. Women fall in the trap of men who want to have sluts around walking half naked and then they go and moan. Why don't they avoid falling in men's trap from the start.

  10. @ Anonymous: why is this a stupid topic if you have so much to say about it.

    I don't agree with you, It is an interesting subject to debate, because for me as a feminist, I find it a degrading movement to a certain extent, I despise the word SLUT to begin with and I already answered your question on the "article" itself whether I would participate or not and in what attire. However, I said I was deeply concerned by the comments that instigated the movement! there are ways of giving advice/suggesting to women the course of action to avoid sexual predators or any kind of assault, and calling women SLUTS is not one of them.

    I find it interesting how you quote me, as your prime example yet you don't know me, never met me and if you're making your judgment based on my blog stories, then you have no clue.

    Women of London might or might not listen to you, you can take to the streets with them and ask them to cover up, everybody has a voice and they should be heard.
    Good luck.

  11. @Anonymous
    Instead of : "Islam is a religion of God for all mankind." you should have written : "I believe Islam is a religion of God for all mankind."

    This is not a detail. This is the main problem with people like you that think they hold The Truth and more dangerously devote their life to impose it to the others, because they think they are mandated from a transcendantal force to do so.

    I, personally think this way (calling herselves sluts) of condemning violence is a very bad way. Although this is my opinion, I just pass my way and let the others express theirs and their way.

    Add to this that there is a fact that can be scientifically verified : a woman in London or Paris or elsewhere in kouffarland can walk in the street and take the subway alone at midnight while in the islamic heavens of the many muslimands, it is dangerous for women to go out after the sun goes down. And if she takes the bus, she is sure to have many sex-starved male hands touching her parts.

  12. Interesting to see that the same language used in the quote that started all this is being used by commentators here, especially anonymous ones !

  13. I fully agree with Chatnoir on ALL counts.

    Good point Malek; what’s even more interesting, is fellow Algerian bloggers like Ikseer who never showed an interest in what I have to say until they manifest to call someone a Slut, I just hope he wasn’t referring to me.

  14. I wonder what's the male equivalent of sluts? and what do they wear? :)

  15. you will fit right in dzchick, have fun xx

  16. i think the equivalent would be ... studs? they wear designer shoes like Prada or Gucci and the occasional Louboutin.

    just kidding, there are numerous terms such as: mansluts, manwhores, jumpers e.t.c

  17. @Tdw exactly my point: studs, which they take as a compliment not an insult! I wonder if the morality police give them the same abuse they give the "sluts"! but then again they're men and men invented these rules :)

  18. Malek: Shame you never started your blog "Madirwalou" you could have been used as a reference in many of my responses to comments ;)

  19. madirwalou says it all :) I agree with you I should, but being an apeutpriste I chose the easy lazy way of reading and commenting :)

  20. You're procrastinating...machi lazy I am sure :)

  21. you hit the nail on the head, procrastination has been my undoing !

  22. Since when the utters of a Canadian council rep is a good reason to have a nudist fest in London.
    Anyways, known to be mainly unattractive desperados and pervs alike.
    And for this reason I am out.


  23. @anonymous unattractive desperado perv three good reasons for you to be in not out :)


  25. The translation in French is :
    "La marche des salopes " :)

    Feminists should not forget that the more conservative people are ......women .

  26. These women had enough of the word "SLUT" so it is being re-appropriated.

    People are more concerned about the word slut than with the message these women are trying to convey, and a lot of them are jumping at the chance to imply I am a "slut" for various reasons dancing around their vacuous little heads à la Homer Simpson.

    Open your minds...

  27. @Malek
    Not sure about the unattractive bit ;) and certainly it will be full of weirdos guaranteed.

    If we were in the stone age, I would happily solute this method of communication by jumping and lullying.


  28. meskina, poor babe feeling a bit hurt by some insinuations? i would think you'd have grown a thicker skin by now after years in this cruel space that is the internets :P .

    i find the word slut funny, phonetically even. slu' (leaving the t out) = so funny, no offence intended to anyone, male or female.

    on a more serious note, my opinion of the whole concept of 'reclaiming' a word by walking around half naked is just a tad silly.

  29. @ TDW: meskina? lol I do take everything with a pinch of salt, but if someone calls me slut, then I am allowed to say something!

    I know exactly who it was too....

  30. definitely or as most people seem to spell it: definately

  31. @ TDW: Very good tune. thx

  32. i knew this would appeal to your jazz-fusion sensibilities.

  33. Me? Have jazz-fusion sensibilities? Where do you get this from Daoud?

  34. well, you did like it didn't you?

  35. you're a jazz fan, you just don't know it yet.

  36. don't you think so?

  37. Don't really care much for Jazz! No!

  38. why are you so against it?

  39. do you know someone who likes it that you don't like perhaps?

  40. "do you know someone who likes it that you don't like perhaps?"
    - Yeah, you man, don't U get it?

    Sorry, couldn't resist. Just joking though.

  41. haagha nice one but i don't like it either.

  42. any ideas for next post?

  43. Something weird happened to me over the weekend! so post documenting that is to follow shortly you'll be glad to hear Dawood.

  44. oh nice ... i like weird.

  45. I may be late on the uptake here, but I feel like women have decided to make such a forcible statement because there is simply no other way to get attention anymore! And above, someone said that the derogatory words for males are "manwhore" and "manslut"...well, aren't those just mean terms for women with "man" tacked onto the front? There aren't any words for men. I feel like this movement might make removing "slut" from our vocabulary the new "g-word" or "r-word" movement. Just don't say it. Let the chauvinists (like that police chief) talk. We all know we're smarter than that.


    "Women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimised." No one should be saying any of this. What little girls wear does not create paedophiles. What big girls wear does not create rapists.

    Simple, effective and concise statement

  47. I did not hear about the SlutWalk, I am not too sure where I stand on the subject but I support this cause as one understands the feeling behind it.
    @anonymous 'women should dress according to islamic teachings'....and you should return in your cave. The reasons why the Prophet (pbuh) instructed women to cover up is because of Arab men like Ikseer who believe that women that dress a certain way should be treated as 'sluts'. God sent his last prophet in Saudi Arabia as Arab men raped women just as they breathed, it was to the most natural thing to do for many of them.
    Thank God, things have moved on in the rest of the world.
    I admittedly dress provocatively because I like it,that's right cavemen, we women like to look good and a hijab is not my idea of looking good.
    Just to touch on one point 'l'habit ne fait pas le moine', I will impart of a story a fellow Algerian man has related to me a few years ago. My friend Marwan owns a designer clothing store back home, while on a visit a hijaba approached him in the store & gave him her number. When he asked her what hr was meant to do with it, she replied 'I am virgin at the front but not at the back'. I rest my case, put this in a pipe and smoke it your sexist morons!
    @DZ-Chick apologies for hijacking your platform, I do love your blog and your posts tend to be thought-provoking hence result in heated exchanges and most of your anonymous ayatollas, sorry I meant readers are narrow-minded individuals.


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