Tuesday 24 May 2011


Springs aromas are here, waking up to the smells of spring, incessant sneezing, watery, itchy eyes, blocked sinus, cherry blossom and daffodils sprinkled parks.

The English countryside is one of a kind, green pastures, wet grass that shimmers under the May sun, triggers your childhood memories with all its fragrances.

Jasmine flowers dangling from the garden wall, I used to rub on my neck and hands like a perfume and spend the day drenched in its tender smell, the mimosa flowers I used to pick and mix with water to produce a perfume I would offer to my mum as a present, she would smile beamingly and display it in the cabinet proudly or perhaps it was to just humour me.

Sleeping on the grass, watching the sky, letting ladybirds fly around me and land on my arms, pick roses from the bushes to take to my mum who would arrange them on her favourite vase displayed in the middle of the table, waking up to the sound of the water fountain running in the garden and the sound of children playing in the street, riding my bike, falling on the tarmac and scraping my knees, crying, laughing, screaming with laughter and sadness, the first day of school after the summer holidays, my childhood friends...

My dad surprise pick us up from school in his Land-Rover and all the kids who would climb in the back of the truck (safety was not even an issue), spending the day at the Pépinière with a picnic of pain-perdu (1) and ready mixed café au lait in a thermos, sitting under a very large tree I believed it to be a centenarian, my dad would tell us the tale of “Loundja bent el ghoul(2) over and over and over again.

Nowadays I fantasise about the Algerian sun, the majestic Sahara and its proud sand dunes, glorious sun sets and undisputable beauty.

Family gatherings and my mothers afternoon cakes she seems to concoct in under a minute, my father closing the windows when I start laughing because the neighbours will hear me laugh like a hyena and the smell of Sardine and fresh fish the fishermen lay on the street market, the smells of wet sand when it rains in the Sahara.

Algeria, Algeria, Algeria, the land of my childhood, my birth and my ancestors, Algeria such a mystic, beautiful country, our bond with Algeria is so intense and particular that it deserves its own name, Nostalegria(3). This yearning for Algeria that overpowers you; covers you with goose bumps, this pleasurable emotion that takes over all your senses, makes you feel paralyzed with yearning for something you cannot explain.

Certain smells, sounds, areas and even times of days instantly fill the ether with nostalgeria, when you walk down the street in Ramadan and smell the Algerian sweets and the fresh coriander or the shelves full of Hamoud boualem(4), when you are somewhere and they appropriately play “ya rayah(5) or a certain tune by Khaled like “Wahran Wahran”, when you watch the news and hear of devastations or celebrations, when it’s a nice quiet afternoon, mild temperature and covered skies, it makes me think of home, closing the blinds in the living room and sitting under a duvet to watch a movie with my mother, my father complaining about the noise and about disrupting his nap but refusing to go to his room because he would still prefer to be with us but would not admit to it.

When you feel despair, you want go home, when you are happy you want to home, going home, the one question that remains floating unanswered, you long to go home, you wish you could, you wish it would be just like London or Paris or whatever you are currently living so you could go home and continue leading the same lifestyle and enjoy the same freedoms, you wish it was a place that made you immensely proud, albeit Algerians are extremely proud of their mere patrie, devastated, ravaged or war torn, but knowing that it is a far reached dream, we remain nostalgic living with the myth of no return.
(1) french toast - yummm
(2) Loundja daughter of the ghoul
(3) a term created by Jacques Derrida, to describe his nostalgia for Algeria, where he was born
(4) award wining Algerian lemonade/soft drink
(5) a Chaabi song by Dahmen Al Harachi


  1. Well balanced and very true!
    Let's do a poll...
    1) Are you homesick a) sometimes b) always c) never
    2) What would make you contemplate or decide to go back in Algeria (in terms of changes happening in that country)?
    3) What do you like the most in the country where you live right now?

  2. 1) Yes - B but increasingly so over the last year

    2) I would move back and live in it as it is, but positive changes would tip the balance even further, in all aspects, mnin nebda!!

    3) I like that I can get up and decide to do anything I fancy; all I have to have are my feet (and maybe a visa card). In Algeria, it can't be Friday, you have to have a car, you have to be with someone i.e. NOT ALONE, you have to carry ID and cash
    This is just a small example of restrictions on personal freedom

  3. I'll answer my own poll, LOL!
    1) rarely, so I guess it's sometimes
    2) a revolution at all levels (in people's head/way of thinking and in the way society is organized).
    3) freedom, organization of the society (no garbage littering the streets, online banking, paperless environment), cultural life, gender equality, security, work opportunities, education, respect of my constitutional rights, etc.

  4. Good, I think everybody should take Allison's poll

    YEP - I couldn't have put it better myself

  5. Sweet. I like Nunja Bent Elghool, even remember the song the little girl used to sing to the moon while carrying her little brother on her back (the older was the one who opened the door to the ghool and got eaten or something).


  6. Anonymous: take the poll

    I don't remember the story!

  7. forget derrida and nostalgeria, it's NostaLeguia! i miss the friday afternoon leguia :)
    1)I do miss algeria sometimes 2).I would move back as it is, I don't like when people demand things to live in it, those things should be provided by people themselves not expected from the nanny state.3)what i like about where i am is that it is like algeria and only misguided people think its different.
    don't do the only sport algerians excel at and jump to conclusions please , its just an opinion :)

  8. Oh la la, I remember the leguia du vendredi! If you don't go to the beach then it's not even worth waking up for the day!

    As for the rest of your comment, I think it is very naive of you. We all love Algeria OBVIOUSLY, I always thought I can make my own London within Algeria but you will be faced with daily, nay hourly obstacles, problems, cultural shock, nostaligia for England and you end up right where you started....back in London

  9. "don't do the only sport algerians excel at and jump to conclusions please"
    - LOL! That's so true!

    "i miss the friday afternoon leguia"
    - Not sure about the meaning of leguia, but I remember the days were so looonnng that it was like they'd never end (probably because there wasn't much to do). Today, I barely have time to do half of what I plan/need to do. It's just too much and it generates stress...

  10. Long term Algeria is a buy, as the political environment is bound to change at some point in the future, all possibilities are in favour of such view, including a re-colonization driven by running out of resources elsewhere (on the horizon of 100 of years) if the country remains weak .
    Oil is unlikely to run out any time soon and Algeria is positioning itself to remain as a global energy leader through Desertec project. So the current state of 99% exports energy could remain saving millions of lives from famine and civil war.
    Short term I think there is an over valuation in property and land prices given the lack of infrastructure and price level rivalling places like London and Moscow.
    Rising inflation levels, make it attractive to invest in property and land, where returns of 50% annual are sometimes possible in some urban areas. However it is only for people who can afford the risk, given the lack of confidence in the Dinars and also uncertain political climate, not linked to the Arab Spring, but which has also existed given the nature of the Algerian power sharing structure.

    Based on that and given that I am risk averse, I would go back once retired only.

  11. Anonymous, you sound like a broker/investor adviser, LOL!
    Although as a value investor I don't share your analysis. How can you explain a 50% annual return if not from speculation? It's just not sustainable. It can last for awhile but not forever. And then, watch out!
    Remember 2008 in US? Real Estate has not recovered yet in many States/places. Algiers is not Paris, London or New York.
    RE prices are totally uncorrelated to household revenues.
    I think RE is used to hide some illegal profits and as a mean to avoid the currency devaluation.

  12. I don't understand where you disagree, as a value investor, you should realise that there is a lot of speculation and little intrinsic value and therefore not invest long term. Which is what I said. Value investors are long term investors.
    Short term you could take a risk and take advantage of this upwards trend but you might get caught out!
    However, prices in DZ are driven by owners rather speculators. There is too much money in the hands of few who spend it on property and land. These people are unlikely to want ever to sell under pressure,since they usually have zero leverage and own the property outright, hence a crash is less likely to happen in the short term.
    A crash will happen if selling pressure starts because of a variety of reasons.

  13. The unrealistic real estate prices in Algeria are a direct result of money laundering. NOTHING MORE.

    You know the saying “when there's blood on the streets, buy property" or maybe you don't, either way, prices started to rise just after the Amnesty Bouteflika initiated, Real Estate Market saw a sharp rise in prices that is not sustainable and was expected to crash, but due to the continuous investment in real estate by what can only be money launderers, the curve has yet to peak.

    The demand remains very high with the state meeting about 20% of these needs, a housing crisis is in existence since the 80s and housing prices are far above household revenues, personal credits have been discontinued and people have to find large amounts of cash to finance any housing project (buy land, buy apartment etc) but remain unable to compete with the money launders highly liquid assets who dominate this market.

  14. you fat cat finance geeks :p

  15. Agree with DZ chick, and money launderers own rather than speculate. As I said they have zero leverage reducing the luckilihood of ripple effect crash.

    However it will be interesting to see what will happen to the Dinar, which is pegged. And since at some point these money launderers could find themselves EUR billionaires.

    DZ might be forced to devalue, which would diminish the value if DZ investments.


  16. So we're in Finance! what about you TDW?

  17. not in finance, let's say am an artist at heart ;) .

  18. @Anonymous : No, value investors are averse to speculation. They invest long term in undervalued securities and wait until the market realize the underlying value. In other terms, get out when the crowd get in and vice versa. I'm sure you already know that.

    "However, prices in DZ are driven by owners rather speculators." Right for the most part. But as DZ pointed out, a large part of that is also due to money laundering. The prices are artificially inflated and will debunk at one point. We just need a triggering event (political or other). They just can't keep going up insanely like that.

  19. @Allison
    No to what? I am not sure what you have been disagreeing with.
    As a value investor (long term) you are right to avoid investing in property in DZ.
    If you want to make money short term (if you are not a value investor) then you could take the risk.

    B.t.w I was was talking about money laundering as in converting illegal funds into property.
    Since they don't have mortgages/leverage that makes them owners also. Again I am not sure why you are pointing out DZ chick's comment as if it was incompatible with mine

    The crash ... it is hard for it to happen short term because:
    a) Money launderers in DZ have zero leverage and have the option not to sell if prices are low.
    b) Housing shortage
    c) Money Launderers keep getting more money (oil price going up) and will put more buying pressure.

    Of course a crash can still happen in a variety of circumstances either due to selling pressure or supply increase (Govt) more than demand or Dinar getting devalued making a property in DZ worthless
    (no price decrease but effective value dimishing)


  20. Finance/economic theory aside, is the price of property affected not only by money laundering, but closer to home by the price that is notarized being totally different from the price actually paid?!

  21. hi there - this is my personnal feedback about NOSTALGERIA et il n'engage que moi.

    But before; I would like to ask you a question: What is it that makes YOU happy? Just try to name three things! If FREEDOM is one of them; then can't see how you could be happy in Algeria. For the exact reasons you have mentioned.

    In my opinion; this Nostalgia most of us Algerians feel, must come from some collective unconsciousness & emotional attachment; we have inherited... from being born and from growing up in this country. This strong emotional attachment; that seem to happen in an almost un-healthy way; i.e: a "needy" way; if you see what I mean doesn't seem right (IMO). This collective, emotional unconsciousness could probably be explained by the fact that Algeria has been a Colony for so many years; then; just think about the way we were taught our history,so much pride about our heroes... and so much hate against our enemies. (no much reasoning nor thinking behind those lessons!!!)

    Then we experienced "La decenie noire"... another very difficult & painful experience.

    So, yes its good to acknowledge & recognise this nostalgia but I am starting to think that one would be better off taking a serious step back to THINK & BE REALISTIC about who we are? how our cultural environment has influenced our up-bringing; and hence who we have become & how we have developed this whole emotional attachment about this country.

    Lets take as an example how Algerians get together and walk hands in hands when it comes to supporting a football team (just as an example). But what happens in the streets after that is a completely different story!

    I don't like generalizations; but am about to make one: I just don't think the Algerian society has gained the maturity you could expect in the UK for example. Not blaming anyone for this; this is just our history and it will probably take another 50-100 years to probably get to that level of maturity (and forget about the practical side of things, such as a Visa card...etc) am only talking about the overall Algerian CULTURE.

    Another question stroke me recently: how do "Algerians" deal with their identity "crisis" these days?? Our generation and most people we know around us; have had their parents studying during the French colonisation; and that has given them a one way of thinking & reasoning, slightly more "European" (Just trying to describe the bigger picture here, donc faut pas prendre les choses au pied de la lettre). When walking now in the streets, I see a lot of women wearing the full black veil; ( don't get me wrong; I really don't have any judgments here; this is more like an observation about new social trends in Algeria).... So, just like those veiled women you would see in some Arab countries. (which for me; is another sign d'une crise identitaire )

    BREF - The question is: how & where are you going to fit-in?? Because you will need to fit-in somewhere... And how much of your personal freedom are you willing to give up, in order to live in a such environment?

    My personal conclusion is that, it will take time; A LOT of time; for the Algerian culture to grow & mature. (and this is not the comment of someone looking down on Algeria or its people). In fact; Algeria is a very beautiful country and I love Algerians and find them overall tres attachants - MAIS; a cause d'un passé tres lourd; ca reste un Peuple "immature" (IMO).

    What you probably miss more than anything else is your family! - so why don't you just get one of your own, to have that family "bond" you describe in your post and keep traveling to Algeria every now and then!

  22. @Anonymous : Maybe I read your comment too fast. Thought you're saying that even value investors could find the DZ RE market interesting to make a quick buck.
    Anyway, you're right about the absence of leverage, not so sure about the house shortage effect as "ordinary" people tend to look for an ordinary flat more than a "villa" they can't afford.
    I wouldn't be surprised though that the money launderers as you call them (people hiding profits generated from illicit activities or corruption) start selling and transfering the money abroad because of political uncertainty or, as you suggested, by fear of dinar getting devalued. Which would push the price down.
    We shall see.

  23. @DZ-Chick : very quiet today on the comments front. People didn't want to take the poll I guess. ;-)

  24. Interesting comment by the person who says Algerian society is not mature.
    I have few things to add to that. First, it will take more than 100 years of STABILITY. UK for example have always been 'LABESS BIHOM' for centuries, it just takes time.

    Second, make no mistake all the mature societies passed the same phase we are passing, from rule of Church, to Rule of Monarchs, to Monarch-Church alliance to Civil Wars to Corruption, to Wealth Accumulation in the hands of a few, eventually generations which inherit wealth from their parents will seek to invest it, and this is where prosperity begins.
    I know it sounds crude but that is how the LIBERAL model worked and still works.
    On the other hand socialist policies will scatter money between people leaving future generations with nothing. In the Liberal model, at some point, a generation of wealthy people will start investing rather than just stealing and buying objects.


  25. @ Anonymous: the one with a very long comment: you ruined my next post!! You spoke about most of the points I was going to touch on!! Algerian identity and all...:)

    It's too early for me to comment now - need coffee!

  26. anonymous with the very long comment indeed nawedli legron :)
    I will need few espressos before I explode, I'm always wary of people who use IMO , it's very much like the I'm not racist but ...and even worse the IMHO , humble bekri. First words that come to mind are: condescending and patronising.How can you make a statement like "Algeria is a very beautiful country and I love Algerians and find them overall tres attachants - MAIS; a cause d'un passé tres lourd; ca reste un Peuple "immature" "
    I read such drivel everywhere ,the format is " this is or you are fantastic BUT..." its all about the BUTmalekolondon

  27. coming back to anonymous with very long comment :)I don't like generalizations; but am about to make one: HAHA you like them then or which one is it? Chadi madi?Do you at least know?
    This strong emotional attachment; that seem to happen in an almost un-healthy way; i.e: a "needy" way; if you see what I mean doesn't seem right nostalgia is not an algerian thing nostalgeria is !
    just think about the way we were taught our history,so much pride about our heroes... and so much hate against our enemies. (no much reasoning nor thinking behind those lessons!!!) Which country do you live in? haven’t you had your dosage about world war 1 and 2 and Nazi this Nazi that? If you live in UK surely you’re aware of school curriculum and “our boys” propaganda and D-Day, VE-Day, and poppy day etc…
    your whole point is a generalisation based on lifestyle, you prefer it wherever you are and you dislike it in algeria I can accept that but to jump from that to maturity and culture is a bit of an extrapolation.IMHO :)malekolondon

  28. more for anonymous with very long comment(i call him avlc now!) I'm on a roll I blame double Macchiato :)
    Speaking about freedom …
    Can you please define freedom?
    What have you disagreed with in your host country and managed to change lately?
    Can you question holocaust wherever you are? Can you mention Hitler even jokingly in Cannes?
    Is the Left and the Right a Real democracy? Is that a real reflection of what the people want?
    Can you justify the existence of a Monarchy? Tax-payers funded one

    Don’t get me wrong , I accept algeria could be run better, could do with better infrastructure, could do with less archaic religious chains(and all this requires us all to change ) but don’t use the west as a reference unless you want to hide the sun with the gherbal !
    We are a mature and cultured nation, you should be more specific in your criticism and back it with evidence and suggest solutions instead of Time malekolondon

  29. i wonder if anyone has written a comment here under the influence of more illegal substances, like a line of coke or a fat spliff.

    substance & honest opinions might make for wonderful, colourful comments lol.

  30. Going back to the second subject before the previous one :)

    From a different angle, it is a typical issue for Oil producing countries due to a cash surplus that needs to be injected back into the economy, which causes inflation and the 1st sector to be affected, is usually the real estate market, house prices going up etc

    There is a lot of cash flow in the Algerian Market, traditionally Algerians invest in land and property as it's the most secure form of investment and also because of the lack of investment channels/vehicles, whereas in more mature economies, any surplus could be invested in the stock market, shares, bonds, property investment is of course highly targeted but there are high taxations inflicted on the property investors which is a measure to control the property market in a way. IMHO :)

    As for the Nostalgeria I am referring to, it is well explained I thought, it has to do with the fact that we miss home and Algeria, we miss the country and the culture (mature or otherwise), our parents, our childhood memories. The strong link we have between us Algerians and the strong identity is not really reflected on here, which is a separate subject and am currently writing about it so I will not comment on your feedback.
    Did I have a conversation with you last night? ;)

    @Maleko: Can I suggest Decaf ;)

  31. @ tdw: are you trying to tell us someting? any magic mushrooms for the Artist?

  32. I do agree with ML even though I think AVLC was just expressing their frustration. I am almost certain AVLC is either a Beur/ette or someone who was brought up in FR. No offence but this where the identity crises are focused, you spot it when they go 'You or Algerians Are' rather than 'We'. You realise there is some confusion, they keep alternating between being French and Algerian.
    A classic is above when AVLC starts rambling about our past and resulting hatered for the Maman France.

    I think our problems are political and structural, and will take time to fix in the range of 100s of years.
    Which is the type of Maturity I was talking about, which will bring other change as well (e.g. more religious tolerance when we are forced to live with foregin labour which decides to stay ;))


  33. there have been so many honest opinions (HOs) in the last few comments i was thinking, to have that little bit of edge you'd need something extra :p .

    you like them shrooms?

  34. @ TDW: Well I have never tried them!

    I like how you turn peoples humble or honest opinion to HOs tsk tsk tsk

  35. now now, you're being pretty naughty.

  36. forget Decaf its time for Zombretto ! thats what I call reality-altering substance, not like shrooms which only alter your perception of reality :)following the shortening trend of even short words I'm now ML

  37. @ML: does it make you limitless :p ?

  38. @Tdw makes me feel I am, which is just as good :)ML

  39. Who's is going to the ONB concert tonight at the O2?

  40. Moi aussi! I will be the one with the crazy hair ;)

  41. me too i have crazy hair. i mean no hair at all.
    who's ONB btw?

  42. Orchestre National de Barbes.

    I on the other hand, have lots and lots of hair(on my haird of course)

  43. am joking. have fun ;) .

  44. don't forget to report any interesting goings ons from there ;) .

  45. I won't, don't you worry TDW!

  46. Yakhé hala, yakhé! I'm all mixed up by so many Anonymous. Can you please take a number - Anonymous1, Anonymous2, Anonymous3, etc. - so that we can follow you/your reasoning?
    Plus why don't you guys use a moniker? It's much easier and still anonymous...

  47. who knows whom you'll meet there, hmmmm la grande aventure

  48. Fino Dr Margou bach i dawi la Nostalgeria chouiya? Oula wouha Anonymous AVLC?

  49. actually, i think all the Anonymous should keep their anonymouse status, it's more fun that way :p

  50. Anonymous ALC is a women!! ha!

  51. did you recognise me @ ODB?

  52. @DZ-Chick : How d'you know she is a woman?

  53. @TDW: No 'cos you weren't there! but it was such a fun night! they were brilliant!

    @ Allison: She emailed me

  54. i wanted to go see MDB last week.

  55. Who the hell is MDB? did you just make that up?
    I met Rabah from MBS(Mirco Brise le Silence) yesterday! He's an Algerian Rap artist, not name dropping or anything, you asked me to report back with interesting happenings

  56. ooooh look at you, chatting up celAbrEties.

    MDB (My Dying Bride) is an epic band.
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dd6R1xpVkjg (a bit long but needs to be listened in its entirety to get the complete experience)

  57. something funny just happened:

    saw some random lost dog outside with a couple of sweet girls from the company next door trying to help it out. enter me, from my tinted closed windows following the action from inside incognito. then this guy comes out(the sort of guy that sees you every day but looks at you straight without a hello i.e. wanker), sees the dog, gets a bit scared ... all this was too much for me, the window ever so slightly ajar to allow for sound to be exchanged between inside and outside, i let out a yelp/bark noise. half-man, half-dog half-unholy sonic outburst. caught everybody by surprise, including the dog.
    definitely one of the funniest moments of the year haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahah.

  58. So you barked at the 2 girls, the w*nker and the dog!! Whilst hiding laughing behind your tinted window!! Lool

  59. Dee-Z we call you now, welcome to the hip hopping fraternity :) missed the ONB wasn't aware they were playing London, next time give us a bit of notice :) instead I got meself free tickets to Champions League finale, but unfortunately not the proper one, i.e the Ladies one (says the sexist pig) :) Lyon vs. Some german team at Craven Cottage and what a lovely weather for it today, dak ezhar, anonymous darena herz!
    @Tdw I didn't know your missus was terminally-ill :) ML

  60. @ML: Ok I will make sure you know of any gigs next time!...in advance! Enjoy the football or whatever it is you're going to watch! x

  61. @ML: she's been for a while now ;-). are you only into hip-hopping? MDB are legends in their scene.

    @DZc: basically yes. it's one of those moments where all conditions were just right.
    i go to heavy metal gigs in london from time to time. ever been to one of them?

  62. @TDW: Not into heavy metal! am going to a gig on 3rd June, some Algerian band playing in the City. should be good.

  63. it's an acquired taste, like cheese or feet.

  64. @Dee-Z : who's the algerian band and where in the City?
    @Tdw : I'm not into hip-hoppage! just made the comment because of Rabah and MBS(which I like BTW)I do appreciate a bit of Riffage and drop by The Intrepid Fox occasionally .
    Champions League Madamates was ok but the football was girly(not surprising as it was played by girls !) :)ML

  65. @ML: El Andaluz playing in a place called Darbucka in Farringdon.

  66. @Dee-Z Thanks for the gig details.
    Excellent, I've been meaning to check out Yazid Fantazi live, liked the Mul Sheshe album as Fantazia.ML

  67. Ah so you know the band! cool, I will be there! if you there just shout DZ-CHIK!

  68. @DZ-C I'll try my best to make it, no shouting required I'll jusy ask Tdw for tips on how to spot you :) ML

  69. @ML: do they do live music @ The Intrepid Fox?

    here's some groovy 8-string low-end riffage by this band called Meshuggah if you don't know them already http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mTyr5lVlVE
    technically and rhythmically phenomenal and pretty unique.

    To spot DZC, introduce yourself with: Hi am anonymous and watch for reactions :p

  70. @ML: Ok see you there, if you come, I will introduce myself.

    @TDW: You're naughty! That would definitely destabilise me, my answer will be: WHICH ONE?

  71. @DZC I'll introduce myself as Tdw and wear MDB t-shirt !
    I'll be easy to spot I'll be the one drinking Diet Zombretto !
    @Tdw no live gigs at intrepid

  72. exactly.

    now now, who knows who else is gonna turn up at the gig for some random encounters?

  73. I'm in charge of CCTV at Darbouka :) ML

  74. hahaahah ML nice one. Maybe you can use your HD camera to film it all and we can review footage post-gig.

    now DZC you'll understand where ML's expert knowledge of capturing footage in different lighting and sound conditions comes in handy and the importance of those so-called 'pointless' videos :P .

    what's a zombretto btw? coffee with a shot of amaretto?

  75. Tdw zombretto is zombies' macchiato:) its an algerian cocktail, look it up :)
    if you still don't know zombretto you have to hand in your passport back ! ML

  76. my passport is blue lol.

  77. @Tdw I didn't mention the color :)
    If it's blue then you won't know this one:"Its friday and the birds are out" ML

  78. my algerian source just told me zombretto is a random word used in algeria to designate someone, a bit like 'that dude what's his face' aka zombretto.

    i don't know that either but i have multiple sources from which i can always find out ;) .

  79. The Poll:
    1) a) sometimes
    But even when I do, its not in a 'I wanna move back to Algeria' kinda way
    2) Job opportunity maybe. But it would be more for internal/personal reasons. It is very 'paradoxal' because I love and feel Algeria in by blood very much!I think in my case, its more the fact that I love where I live so much and don't wanna leave it.

    3) Freedom, not having so much family around, SOCIAL LIFE!!! Not being surrounded ONLY by some Boualem and Atika, in other words Cosmopolitan place. Finally I love that I am in a muslim country, yet everything is so free, easy and developped.

  80. @Tdw your algerian source must be moroccan or something, that is the wrong definition! ML

  81. nah, he's definitely algerian ;) . anyway, give me your definition i'll check with him and others :p

  82. @Tdw you must be a spy :) give me your definition haha, you'll have to work harder than that ! by the way why all the secrecy about your nationality, I'm not this I'm not that I might be this I might be that ! are you ashamed of your nationality? :) do you like bbq wear flip flops and enjoy surfing by any chance? :)


  83. like bbq, wear flip flops and enjoy surfing? who doesn't? :P

    i guess am paranoid about keeping my anonymity and it's good to have an air of mystery as well ;)

  84. Poetically written, beautiful! I so wish I could relate. Unfortunately I grew up in a concrete jungle in a foreign land where being Algerian automatically made you No1 enemy. 'Douce France, cher pays de mon enfance', qui a ecrit cette connerie car la France n'a surtout pas ete douce avec nous! Still I am sure it had its many advantages (French passport and French education maybe but yet again I could have got that in Algeria)

    'Algeria, Algeria, Algeria, the land of my childhood, my birth and my ancestors, Algeria such a mystic, beautiful country, our bond with Algeria is so intense and particular that it deserves its own name, Nostalegria(3). This yearning for Algeria that overpowers you; covers you with goose bumps, this pleasurable emotion that takes over all your senses, makes you feel paralyzed with yearning for something you cannot explain.' WOWWWWWWW Algeria sounds orgasmic!!

  85. You so have to visit MP then maybe you'll start to get the cinflicting love hate relationship we have with Algeria.
    Thanks for making me revisit all my old blogs it's totally nostalgic :P

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. Dz-Banksy, Inshallah one day, preferably in the near future, as you marketed Algeria very well.

    I am glad I am taking you back through your journey.......your blog is fabulous. Thank you for sharing.

    MP, I do like the acronym, it makes me feel so politically involved! ;-)


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