Tuesday 16 January 2018

A new year and a few positive thoughts...

First day back in the office so effectively first day that counts and I realised I am not totally unhappy about being back in London or the office which is a massive change from previous years where I was often depressed about it and thus wrote more or whinged more, this sprout of positivity I have had over the last year  or so is really hindering my creativity, it seems I am more creatively productive when down or angry.

The decision resolution was made by me and my committee of 7 schizo personalities to try to cultivate a more optimistic and positive creativity that is not necessarily fuelled by anger, depression or lack of sex. And so this is the first instalment.

I have managed to drop the kilos that clung to my hips for the last ten years, which gave me a massive boost in energy and libido confidence, of course now I have a new problem, I can’t shake the boys off my hips! DAMN!  I have also dated interviewed many candidates over the last year, none of which made it past the 2nd round, on the count of mostly shallow reasons that I won’t mention here, also men are gross (and NO I have not turned gay).

I found being angry and full of sarcasm was funny until it turned against me, although my writing and sense of humour flourished, my personal life suffered visibly from this and I had to choose between being funny or being happy, such seemingly simplistic and silly choices, but the results have been staggering.

I am so full of positivity these days it’s sickening (note picture above as exhibit A), I have to feign some crankiness sometimes just to trick my mind into spurts of creativity so I am able to continue to contribute to the ongoing dialogue on all aspects/dilemmas of the Algerian woman in London or elsewhere.

I have also since come out of anonymity – on this more news to come J

Until the next happy instalment, Happy New Year from me.


  1. Welcome back DZ-CHICK! Happy New year.
    Great to see the positivity and it's very contagious. Look forward to reading more instalments

  2. Your enthusiasm gives me hope too, and who knows maybe this reclaimed hapiness will give birth to a new writing style. We keep reading you and wishing you well. Love

    1. Yes same here, I am hoping to see a different style of writing emerge. I will try to publish more this year. Thanks for reading :) x

  3. Welcome back! Very good to see you again. I'm happy to see you happy and positive, but it's a bit of a shock (in a good way). Hope we won't have to wait 6 months for the next instalment. ;-)

    1. Thanks GBDZ I know!! shocking lol
      Hopefully not too long before another post - I promise :)

  4. Homo Erectus (ergad ou bi3 leblad)18 January 2018 at 17:30

    ewww you came to the bled ou ma halabtinach ! Machi we said that we will take some kahwa ou tcharak somewehere if you come to Dzair ! Ou khalina m les dates/interviews hadou ! I'm sick of women conducting almost a police interrogation with a fake smile and anxious mimics... of course I'm not talking about us eventually meeting ! bessahtek el positive mindset ou at'halay fi rohek...

    1. Oh crap!! yes we had agreed yes! damn!!! Charak and Kahwa sound amazing too. my loss clearly.

      I have conducted many many interviews, grew tired of them, as much as women as you say have the fake smiles etc...men are their usual flaky, deceitful and hairy selves! so...

  5. I absolutely agree ! kiss !

  6. Dz Chick we are waiting for your next post! :)

    1. Can't do it man!! No motivation to write whatsoever! But since you asked...I promise I will publish something soon!

  7. don't lose heart in it. i been reading your posts for a ling time now! when i was in the uk then i left it back to shithole lol.
    must b loneliness thats doing you bad.
    cheer up big gal! go get urself a nice english guy.


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