Novella - SAFIA

Monday 6 June 2011

A l'air du temps

Elles me snobent les filles d’Alger, fallait mettre cartes sur table tout de suite, fallait dire “Ouais j’habite à Londres, je suis Banquière, et suis plus belle que toi connasse” et là tu vois le respect, le regard qui change, qui te défigure de haut en bas, qui se dit « ah ouais c’est pour ca que ton Français est bizarre » bien sur trop sure de moi, je continue a sourire avec des yeux moqueurs et des  envies de meurtre que je dissimule avec du sarcasme qui ne sort pas bien hahaha Oui mon français n’est bizarre que pour les oreilles tordues ou moches (le dernier mot je dis dans ma tête) et continue à boire ce café au gout de chaussettes qu’ils servent chez Denbache. Sorry mate.

Je vois des filles arriver sur la Terrace, je murmure à ma copine « wow elles sont belles les Algériennes non? » même si l’une est maquillée comme une voiture volée et l’autre fait le genre de fille qui fait des youyous quand elle jouit, des putes quoi, passant a cote de notre table, l’une d’elles le dis, le mot le plus vulgaire dans la langue algérienne, je l’entends, mes yeux s’écarquillent, je regarde mon amie, elle a peur de lever la tête, je lui demande si j’avais bien entendu, elle confirme avec un sourire qui dit Sorry…

Moi : Mais sorry pourquoi? Tu les as invités ou quoi?
Elle : Non sorry que t’ais eu à voir ca
Moi : Euu mais c’est mon pays aussi merde, je ne suis pas une étrangère que tu espère impressionner, anyway y a des putes ici faut pas rester, déjà que je n’arrive pas à me trouver un mec, je ne veux pas prendre le risque et en plus elles sont super cannons – l’addition svp
Elle : tu parles trop, regarde comme ta phrase est plus longue que la mienne, c’est pour ca que t’es encore célibataire
Moi : Na3dine!!  Je le savais…

Ma copine me dit, la seule différence entre ces filles et le reste, c’est que "le reste" n’utilisent pas le sexe afin d’obtenir quelque chose mis a part le plaisir, si ce n’est pas a leurs gout, elles disparaissent, les putes ben….elles font des Youyous.

On monte dans un taxi, le driver écoute de la musique qui me donne mal au ventre, indigestion en souvenir de cette musique qui passait a la Télé après le Ftour (1) du Ramadan, il conduit comme un Staifi(2), je lui pose la question et me confirme qu’en effet il est de Sétif, ah oui je connais bien Sétif, là, sa tête fait un 180 degrés et commence à se taper la discute, mon dieu je vais mourir a la main d’un Sétifien comme dans mon cauchemar, il me dit qu’il habitait en face de Ain al Fouwara, mais bien sur, tous les Sétifiens habitent en face ou a coté  de la fontaine (Les Algérois aussi habitent tous Hydra ou le Golf), ils vont tous remplir leurs bidons d’eau á la fontaine quand l’eau est coupée ou se masturbent en matant les seins nues de cette statue de femme romaine que personne ne demande ou sait qui elle était.

Quand je lui demande de nous changer la musique, il met 2PAC !!! Ouais il est super en vogue ce mec!!! Le Staifi digne de son nom, nous dépose encore vivantes après une demi heure d’Adrénaline et de Rap fun, quand je descends de sa voiture piégée j’ai le vertige, je déambule vers un autre café, les gens assis a la terrace me voient arriver, me fixent, je tombe, me relève avec un regard qui dit "Je vous emmerde arrêtez de me regarder ya zah" et le mec qui me drague et qui a l’air pas mal, rigole, il rigole ce connard, je me mets a rigoler aussi histoire de ne pas en faire un drame et avoir l’air un peu cool, chose que je suis anyway.

Le mec qui rigolait vient vers moi, il demande s’il peut me parler, wow j’adore comme ils sont directs les mecs chez nous, je souris, fais ma douce, esperant qu'il me demande mon prénom, lui, me demande combien?? ah oauis c'est comme ca maintenant!!
(1) déjeuné

(2) quelqu'un qui vient de Sétif - une ville a l'est d'Algerie


  1. Dine ezzah ?

    What does it mean ?

    Is it an old algerian language ?

    People are strange

  2. it should be 'Moi:' et 'Elle:' si ton amiE est une fille, in your dialogue part.
    actual comment starts below __

    t'as écrit comme ça pour que ces filles (ou putes comme tu les appelles) dont tu parles puissent bien saisir?

  3. TDW: Non pour que tu puisse me faire la lesson d'aurthographe ;)

    J'ai bien dis que mon Francais est bizzare non?

  4. ah tu veux dire, j'ai l'oreille tordue ou je suis moche?

  5. need to get back my mean uncompromising edge, i've been too nice lately :P

  6. But you're my ally!!
    ok this is the most brilliant youtube thing ever! especially Bourdj, edini el bourgj, bourj bou ariridj hahahaha la classe!

  7. i know but i have to make sure you stay sharp on your toes and keep your guard up ;).

    wrong link -? Adele rolling in deep (you must be obsessed about this tune, it probably gets you in a dreamy lovey dovey mood)

  8. You're right, I am getting too soft!

    right link:

  9. People don't respond well to French posts or I was too controvertial! either way I love this post and I enjoyed writing it and reading it. :)

  10. controversial how? the language and/or the ending?

  11. I'll have to say it's a bit of both Dawood! but mostly the language used! the fact I mentioned sex is ok to practice but taboo to write about!

  12. oh, is itttt? free sex or servicing sex?

  13. hmm rightt. mais quel langage!! :p

    so what did you think of the putes youyou?

  14. Exactly! quel language!
    The fact that I write stuff like: sex, pute, juire...I am looked down on but fellow bloggers (bothered) and will be getting nasty comments!

    But I don't care about being PC!
    lol did you like that? she ulululates when she comes lol

  15. my best of:

    "maquillée comme une voiture volée" nicely conjured simile

    et l’autre fait le genre de fille qui fait des youyous quand elle jouit, des putes quoi, ..." quelle imagerie? give me some background on where that's from lol, i get curious about these things

    "le mot le plus vulgaire dans la langue algérienne,..." c'est quoi?

    "anyway y a des putes ici faut pas rester, ..." rester n'était peut-etre pas une mauvaise idée apres tout lol

    "ils vont tous remplir leurs bidons d’eau á la fontaine quand l’eau est coupée ou se masturbent en matant les seins nues de cette statue de femme romaine" ahahahahahah seriously WTF?

    the text was funny and outrageous but the excessive use of expletives can distract from the main theme, actually i'm not sure what the main theme is about?

    i think they're more effective when used sparingly and tastefully. anyway, just my HO :P

    btw, is it me or was you influenced in some form or another by the 'corporate shit' diatribe?

    most importantly though, why did the guy think you was a .... you know? and what was your reaction?

  16. and yes i did like that because i like verbal wrongness taken to the next level lol

  17. Non capire una sega ????

  18. you're now officially DZ-Poulette ! funny and informative.You managed to make comments dry up :)

  19. TDW: The orgasmic youyous are a way of depicting the crudeness; I mean who would do that!

    Le mot le plus vulgaire starts with a Z you'll have to ask your DZ spy to fill you in

    Rester serais une bonne idée pour toi maybe ;)

    This is a very famous roman fountain in the city centre of Setif, and water supply has been known to be scarce back in the days or maybe even now, so people would fill jerry cans from the fountain.

    The main theme is blurry you're right hence the title, but I guess it's about the perception of people, I saw 2 girls described above and thought they were hookers, someone else saw me and thought the same when he asked me combien??

    You're calling my text distasteful?

    No, I was not inspired by your corporate bullshit text but you certainly egg me on...

    @Italian Anonymous: learn English then :)

    @ Malek: thank you :), sometimes it’s nice to be controversial or write something that I like more than other people, i.e. Written for me

  20. @ Anonymous taliani! spiacente, Ho significato "Francese"

  21. DZC have you considered converting the blog content into a book? or a script? if not you should

  22. you usually structure your 'articles' well, intro, main idea, the catch, the application and the summery (conclusion), with smooth transition between parts and a clear aim. This one was a bit of a mess really, don’t quite get what ur trying to tell us, though, it is catchy with the elements of surprise and fun used.


  23. i think i know the word.

    distasteful, don't know, forceful maybe? yes.

    why did you think they were hookers and why did the guy think YOU were one too?
    and, what was your reaction?

  24. haha Tdw , what is this what is that and who was it and what did they say and how did they feel and how do you feel and which one was and what does it mean and where is it and how is it and did it feel good and who is it and who is she and did she like him and did he like her and do they like each other and where did they go and what did they do .... typical "bottle filler" :)

  25. @ Malek: no I haven't no! I will need to write a larger selection I think! And maybe create characters! But thanks :)

    @Delboy: lol is it a mess? Look at it like this: the theme is a l'air du temps, which is like the prevailing atmosphere, the theme is really about the "putes" with a break in the middle with the Staifi driver...just bloody enjoy it for what it is!

    @TDW: Forceful is good.
    Well to start, they WERE actual hookers, my description is concise but effective, and I thought they were because of the way the looked and the language they held.

    I believe I was mistaken for one probably because I was not very covered or maybe because that particular man had a precise idea of what a hooker would look like just like I did, who knows why someone sees someone as a hooker! My reaction: smile turned into a frown looked at my friend, walked past him and went HACCCCHHHHHAAAK

  26. someone needs to fill the bottle so cool people like you can drink from it ;-)

  27. i know exactly what hachaek means :p

    the link from yesterday was awesome btw, so funny

  28. TDW: Did you enjoy Bourdj bou ariridj?

  29. just watched it again hahaha yep best for last especially with the deep voice although 'larabe fabian - hammam' was pretty good too with that half-naked chubby guy lol


    check out the dancing

  31. maskine 2PAC! Setif is home from home for him.. 3labalek les taxieures stayfiya habou el baghassat fi foumhom.. en general hata ki yada7kou; yada7kou sidewise bach warou el baghasa!

    I bet loukan tro7i la m3askar tal9ay les taxieures kima ALI G.

  32. Je te lance un défi dz-chick... tu réécris la même chose avec les mêmes termes genre pute, se masturber devant les seins nus... mais en arabe, pas en arabe littéraire, en arabe de chi nous.

    Je te le dis tout de suite, traite de moi de lâche si tu veux mais moi j'en serai incapable, j'y peux rien c'est pas que je les dis pas en arabe ces mots.
    C'est que j'ai été coulé dans le moule où entre copains on se dit tout en arabe mais avec les filles hchouma... on peut parfois se dire exactement la même chose mais seulement traduit en français comme si ça jetait un voile de pudeur dessus ...
    je sais pas pourquoi

  33. Je serais incapable de relever le defi Chatnoire :) je suis aussi lache que toi d'autant plus que je suis une fille 3akla :P

    Mais c'est vrais qu'en Arabe c'est plus Hard Core!

  34. Encore une fois ....

    Jamais 2 sans toi ....

    Aa3tiwna Devises bech n'rouhou Lengliz !!!

  35. peut-etre bien que t'aies trouvé ta vocation DZC :P

  36. @Anonymous 19h23: Love you too :)

    TDW: Already have mine sorry

  37. What is this ?

    Give me a kiss .....

  38. how you coping with not enough sleep :p?

  39. I like to party! am fine! nothing a coke and a gym session won't cure!

  40. I walked right into that one didn't I? :)

  41. you pogo'd right into it ... so bored

  42. Write something! I am writing something now you might have a few things to say about it!

    Watch the bordj bouariridj video again :)

  43. don't feel like writing or not really inspired to write and write what exactly? let's see if i can guess what the next post will be about

  44. This post est un peu mentalité bled (perimé) non?

    Aya ma3liche didn't know que Tsayree elghashi when you go home.

    Correction: I will represent les Staifis and say rather mentalité Algeroise :D


  45. When in Rome, do as the Romans do...;)

  46. Did you not read my correction?


    Yes you are right, you are obviously past the culture shock stage ...

    I have learnt that when one goes home they are better acting bled really. Just too much hassle otherwise.


  47. Yeah I got the joke! it's all good Anonymous.
    Totally right on the acting bled!

  48. Kind of unfair you are allowed to edit your comments

    Second time I notice it

    ATO (Anonymous The Original)

  49. I posted it quickly BUT edited it before someone else responded to it, so that's allowed.

  50. Bessah fort hadeek ta3 combien!

    Once upon a time when I was in Algiers I had a gay person hitting on me
    He followed me to the station then asked whether I am okay to meet and promised to look after me!

    He was passive as well! Obviously thought: "Here is a good looking discreet Berrani"

    I said yes, let us meet in 1er May.The day after I was in London.


  51. that feature is also good if you want DZC (who's normally so kind to oblige) to edit/delete your comment post-publishing ... in this space, she truly is Queen of the Bled lol

    how does that make you feel DZC?

  52. Fantastic , Bombastic ...

    Lova ya Mamma , Lova ....

  53. @ATO: Good one, you see you don't know why people think you're a working girl or gay!

    @TDW: Pretty good :)

    @Anonymous: Thanks

  54. me it seems i only get hit on by ladies about double my age, is it because they're wiser?

  55. Dahaktini!! des youyous en jouissant? ya3tik 3ella! j'aimerai bien voir ca tiens!Ou houwa, je suis sure beli erani" atchiway way way atchiway way way!!!"For LOL!!
    Eh oui, moi j'ai beaucoups de peine pour ces filles la. chacune son histoire. Mais c'est vrai cette histoire de mec qui prennent tout le monde pour des putes, c'est triste. mais tu parles d'une chose vrai.
    Aaaayyy Chifore a taxiya willi willi yana habess rana doukhna!!!

    Allez pour vous tous elli twahchou)



  56. Double macchiato time:
    ATO said berrani, I knew he was a "kavi" which explains the constant insisting on being "good looking", probably compensating :)(He must've missed my "personal" attacks !) which sets us up for an excellent hot topic: regionalism , DZC what do you think?
    @Tdw you should be glad anyone is hitting on you :)
    @Nedjma love the song

  57. Malek: Who is this ATO

    Re: Regionalism, I already covered this subject in
    but we can do a second version full of anecdotes and regional jokes (mascara, Setif etc)

    @Nejma: I am so glad you saw the funny side of the post, I know I pushed a little out there with the use of certain words, but it's my favourite so far.

  58. ATO is Anonymous The Original, or we can call him Mayfair Anonymous or the Anonymous with the head the size of a small country :)

  59. Ahh my first ever anonymous commentator ATO, meskine we've given so many names, thank god he has a sense of humour!!

    Re: subjects: if anybody has something I should write about, I take commissions

  60. Using regional stereotypes I'd say I'm mzabi(or scottish!) so no commission from me :) it's probably more fun not to know the subject of the next topic and be pleasantly surprised !

  61. Malek: Fine fine, I am tackling women issues now...

  62. DZ-Chick,

    How can you not see the humor of it? like the 1st or 2nd day of Ramadan, when f'lhouma, men fight for no reason,they didn't have their Garro, chema ou k'hioua? I find that hilarious and fascinating!
    I think this is the best place to use the words that we all hear, know, say, that are still tabou, yet beautiful in a certain way, they are anger starters, but it feels good to get them out.
    @ Maleko: Glad you liked it:)


    PS: il est 2h30 du matin and can't sleep :(

  63. Nejma: I cannot wait for Ramadan I will write a daily report Day 1, day 2, day21 (fatra), day 27 sayma, day 30 I lost 5 kilos and killed a million neurons! ahhh yeah the joys!

    Go to bed women! xxx

  64. I have found that article in today's Guardian, and thought it is somehow related to what u wrote.


  65. For the Slutwalk post! yes thank you Delboy

  66. Thanks DZC for recognising my sense of humour ;)
    Since I don't like repeating myself, I will refer ML to your regionalism post, and confirm the first comment was mine ;) as always.

    @ML : El Kavi elli fort 3leek --> deal with it ya Algerois enouzouh errifi :)

    Anon ( a.k.a ML's nightmare )

  67. @Anon : sounds more like I'm your nightmare not the other way around :)
    and posting a comment first is not a sign of excellence, just an ego tripping and attention seeking knee-jerk reaction :)

    Sorry DZC chlaghemgate is back on :)

  68. let's face, it might have been a knee-jerk reaction but it does apply to you: insecure and jealous :)

    No I am your nightmare, because you can't help it but express your "replace with the above words".

    Sorry believe it or not a Kavi did attract a gay Algerois de nouzouh errifi like yourself.

    Nothing to have kittens about I was poilte with your shriki in regionalism.


  69. "Re: subjects: if anybody has something I should write about, I take commissions"
    - Got 2!
    a) Why not write about "dsara" that (almost always) ends bad. We like teasing each other, but sometimes we push things too far and hurt people's sensitivity just because we insist to have le dernier mot.
    b) : What makes us so judgmental about people's way of life?

  70. and to add a topic suggestion may be write about Algerians and religion. Differences, changes, correlation with wealth? etc.

  71. Merci Allison, the last suggestion is something I can definitely write about, first hand experience and all that. Ok so the subject after next is set. The next one is a surprise.

  72. Yeah, and if you want to alternate (serious/light) topics, you could also write about what makes us proud to be Algerian, what we like in the country/society/people that makes one say/feel/think "malgri tout bladi nebrik"?

    Les idées ne manquent pas comme tu peux le voir, Dz-Chick. Ça aussi, c'est un trait commun : le surplus d'idées, mais le déficit d'action
    (1 autre sujet potentiel?). For this, I must say : kuddos lady!

  73. Thanks Allison, the Algerian Identity post is ready actually I just haven't posted it yet as I need to tweack it a little, serious subjects take longer than the "tourist, f*cking country etc" that I usually wrap up in a bout 20 minutes!

    So bare with me :)
    Dz-Chick at your service

  74. speaking of requests, here is few things that make me wonder:
    Why do algerians find gad elmaleh funny, why do they wear suits when they go on holiday to algeria, why do they stare back at camera on youtube and talk like they are the professor in a lecture, why do they still follow french stuff when they are in countries other than france and master the local language,why do they think rai is a worldwide phenomenon when none of their foreign friends owns a rai cd,why do they call north african food moroccan food in the UK, why do they want to have more tourists, why do they get embarassed by acts of any algerian in the entire planet, why do they insist on bread with any meal even fish and chips, why do they think if they leave their job the company will go bust :) i blame the coffee !

  75. I think this blog is gonna have a bright is one, why do algerians see hijabist different and reject girls just for that reason..ay labsa hijab, madanitach while she has feelings and falls in love asany other girl...(sounds silly but happened so many times)...
    why do they have an attitude and ignore each other once in the plain..why do they have double personality (and trust me some do) when with europeans are cool but when with algerians kala allah wakala rasoul..
    and that is from my personal experience: why when u discussing evoltion theory, they think beli kfart, i guess you could relate to the blind believe in god in the society just because he/she was born to a muslim family, does not mean he is muslim.....


  76. @ML : One could answer "why not" to 90% of your questions.


  77. LOL someone trying to impersonate me

    Seems like I will be forced to have user name.


  78. OK guys, we're all enjoying this blog and like our host. She spends a lot of time writing posts and answering comments.

    But remember, when she started this blog, she had a "dilemma" that is still "pending".
    So, let's collectively think how we could help her find her "douce moitié".

    As much as I like this blog, I want her to meet that special guy and enjoy "la vie à deux".

    Here are 2 suggestions :

    PS - DZ-Chick, feel free to start a new post with my call.

  79. @Fake ATO Yes "One" could , and that's you :)

  80. Thank you all for you ideas, I will integrate a lot of these in a couple of posts, great ideas, have to be honnest I thought about most of them and been integrating them in several posts that relate to Algeria, so watch thi space, am a people pleaser :)

    Allison: Merci ma cherie, that's very cool of you...maybe there won't be need for the "35 and still single post" which I have already drafted lol

  81. maybe there won't be need for the "35 and still single post"

    - Hope so my dear.
    Maybe then you could adapt the blog and change the title : Dilemmas of an engaged Algerian girl in London, Dilemmas of a married Algerian woman in London, Dilemmas of an Algerian mom in London, etc. :)
    Now, that would be cool!

  82. DZC
    Regardless of whether you are Algeroise Nouzouh or Algeroise vraie, it would be nice if you could treat the subject of "Les Algerois les rois, Algeriens les riens"
    You probably know better than me why a small minority resort to this slogan to find a feeling of slef-worth.


  83. Good ideas for titles Allison! :) I think I fancy the number 35 though, maybe I will have someone but not can save another year of my BELOVED blog.

    @ATO: I am an Algerian from all over Algeria with roots from the capital of course, so I will try to address the issue you propose without being biased.

  84. Thanks!
    My intial thoughts is there is no such thing, as Algiers now is a real spaghetti of Kabyles,Shaouis ect

    Anyways, Hopefully next year you will find your other half ;)

    The problem we will not hear from you again because you will be too buzy with hubby!


  85. Awwww ATO sounds to me like you'd miss me if I stoped writing :)

    Don't worry I will never find anyone lol and if I did then I will write about it, point is, I will never stop writing, I simply love it too much.

  86. Yes, because I will be forced to do something productive with my time! lol

    Obviously I am learning a lot about Algerians in this blog and it would be a shame if you stopped.

    You will find someone I am sure, you have brains and personality.

    I can ask my little sister to pray for you, she is a real Baraka, unbelievable.


  87. how can you be so sure dz chick..u might meet someone, click, it works..get engaged..if the whole thing is very efficient u ll be married within a year:p..and m sure u ll be busy and forget about us :( works for some people, they got married within 2 months unbelievable ya kho...might be just girls like me and you, think, think and analayse lol...xxxx

  88. 2 Months?
    Risky business.

    thought for a second you meant click on the dating website.But you meant click with someone.
    May be it is that easy. I know of some success stories using online means.


  89. ATO, I seriously know stories ya kho mafhamt fiha walo..sa3et tbalni ana li manich normal..risky business indeed..or may be they see marriage differently the way I see it. yeah I meant the click dating works for some but i dont believe in..i think u need facial expressions to see not a wink, heart or a kiss on lame dont u think?!

  90. Dono, I would use online just for casual ....
    Too many people not being themselves ect ..

    If I was single, I would probably use a specialised web site if I were looking for serious....


  91. Too much...Dz chick, tu nous a donné une image de toi à travers ce blog et maintenant; je crois que tu laisse tes émotions prendre le dessus...Dire ce genre de trucs...C'est hchouma...toi qui est si 3akla ;)

  92. Des fois faut ce lacher :) c'est pour ca que je n'ecris pas en Francais, je ne peux pas etre subtile!! donc back to english!

  93. @ATO: Yeah ask your little sister to pray for my soul - rabi yahdini :)

  94. You are ok angel!
    Just enjoy life while you can and keep your eyes open for you prince charming!
    Don't blame yourself you have done nothing wrong.

    P.s. Nice of you to show the hennouna side of you to us ;)

    You must be feeling home with us, whuch is flattering to us contributors


  95. Thank you ATO :) I do feel at home, we're like a team here :)

    I will be happy one day I know it, because I know I deserve it. x

  96. Sorry i just have to post this, I'm in love with the song...


  97. Used to love this song and know it by heart! :)

  98. No, I'm not Chatnoir :)

    Back to english, c'est mieux :)

  99. Anonymous,

    Thank you for the beautiful song!


  100. Forcement un post qui parle de peripatetitienne et tu as 107 commentaires - certes pas le plus haut nombres mais quand meme, dan le top 10! Tdw s'est laissé avoir par ton langague "na3dine" mais le fond est bien la: ce n'est pas que sur la corniche d'Alger ou les grands hotels ou tu "les" retrouves mais bien ou que tu ailles... Peut-etre que c'est l'interdit ou un désir masculin d'avoir des experiences, mais le "first liner" algérien n'est pas super genial - il faudrait arreter de diffuser Mad Men sur Canal Algérie ;-).

  101. Oh comme t'es poli Mr. Anonymous, oui en effet un poste qui parle de Péripatéticienne!! et pourquoi ca n'aurait pas 107 commentaires, grâce a toi j'en suis au 108ème d'ailleurs ;)

  102. Par ou commencer ''elles me snobent les filles d'Alger'' une si belle phrase pour commenter ton commentaire, mais en vérité qu'es que le snobisme la nouvelle tendance des Algériens et Algériennes,
    Le snob est celui qui craint d'avouer qu'il s'ennuie et qu'il s'amuse, quand il s'amuse...
    Sans café ni cigarettes j'ai du mal a continué, to be continued !

  103. Thats an all 'round amazingly written blog..

  104. DZ-Chick je t'adoreeeeeeeeeeee, tu es tout simplement hilarante. Si tu n'avais pas ete inventee, il aurait tout simplement fallu le faire!

    Sheba eh sheba, sheba benti bleddi, they might be beautiful but the attitudes are questionable, that's for sure.
    They snobbed you because you are now an emigree, ha ha!

    'Une est maquillee comme une voiture volee et l'autre fait le genre de fille qui fait des yousyous quand elle jouit' nahl sheitan tu les sors d'ou tes comparaisons? J'aime enormemenent...... bien que je n'apprecie jamais quand une femme appelle une consoeur une pute ou tout autre terme derogatoire. L'union fait la force tres chere dz-chick. As Jose Bergamin has suitably stated 'true solidarity is only possible among the solitary'.

    Quel est ce mot vulgaire? Aide une soeur a apprendre notre langue dans toute sa richesse, j'attends la reponse impatiemment!

    That was one of your funniest posts, if not THE funniest, by far. I loved it. 5*

    PS: That makes me want to go to DZ

  105. T’es sympa toi  Miss Polémique, je ne dirais pas que c’est un de mes favori mais j’aime quand même.
    Je le trouvais assez bien pour l’avoir publié then et même si je ne le vois plus de la même manière maintenant ou même dans un an, je me vois obligée de le garder tel quel.
    Pour les comparaisons et le reste…la vie ma belle, la vie, les gens…
    Et oui tu devrais aller en Algerie, il est grand temps ma chère.

  106. @DZ-Chick, damn you are not a chick, you are a writer!!
    I find this article so incredibly humorous!
    Your integrity regarding your work and leaving it tel quel, is greatly commandable, auto-censoring is not very attractive or brave.

    Inshallah pour l'Algerie. ;-)

  107. Thanks for the story it was so funny and I feel you cuz I grew up in Montreal and my vision of this country and the people is kinds similar. Anyways hope your gonna post some more articles ;-) LMAO


  109. Merci mais je ne te crois pas non, c'est pas mon Français qui est mieux que mon Anglais, c'est autre chose!
    Mais merci quand même :)
